I think why this is such a big issues with the Evangelists, born again wack jobs, tin foil hat wearers, is they think the Free Masons are some sort of demonic organization. By trying to link the JW's up to the Free Masons, they are trying to say they are also a demonic organization. Like others on here mentioned on here there is a lot wrong with the JW's but as far as the GB belong to the Free Masons, there is no proof.
Masionic Rings worn on right hand.
by WildSteve 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This is positively ridiculous.
There we go again. Stop this freemason, rosicrucian, Rolex, expensive suits, Bentley's, BS please. You make yourself and us, old time apostates look like fools.
Wild Steve makes his threads popular by constantly posting to them. Let’s hope “constant posting” is not a secret indicator of Masonic membership.
All of you will regret it. The Kerfuffles will “disappear” you, and your entire family. You really think nobody controls the Catholic Church?
The Clintons are mere apprentices in the organization. All that they accomplished, and they still will never reach the upper ranks of the group. Do you really think Hillary wanted to be POTUS for the sake of it?! It was a test from the Kerfuffles, like a merit badge
His name was Seth Rich!
Willhelm P - I think why this is such a big issues with the Evangelists, born again wack jobs, tin foil hat wearers, is they think the Free Masons are some sort of demonic organization. By trying to link the JW's up to the Free Masons, they are trying to say they are also a demonic organization. Like others on here mentioned on here there is a lot wrong with the JW's but as far as the GB belong to the Free Masons, there is no proof.
I feel that this is the crux (no pun intended),of the matter.
Fundy nutters believe all this 'demon' nonsense.
If you told them that the Jobos have Masonic connections, they'd probably be so surprised that they'd drop their snakes.
Wasn`t Fred Flintstone a mason ? he wasn`t such a bad guy was he ? he made me laugh and that can`t be a bad thing surely.
I personally know a Mason and he is a nice guy and certainly not a terrorist and certainly not a Jehovah`s Witness.
Masons are harmless. But the Kerfuffles, stay clear.
Once time a guy and his friends broke into a house of a lower order Kerfuffle. They killed his dog, the dog that his wife gave him before she died. This lower order Kerfuffle, by an act of sheer will, took out their entire family and business single handedly. They made a movie about it, although you wouldn’t know it explicitly.
Knorr was a freemason, headslapping Franz https://youtu.be/IU28GHMcYxM
Yes all GB members are Freemasons that wear special FM rings and all the brothers and sisters at Bethel dont mind that at all.
We must adhere to intellectual honesty concerning all things