Origin of shunning

by anointed1 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • anointed1

    Satan loves his own people and hates those who do not share his views, hence only he can use shunning as a weapon.

    On the contrary, God is love (agape = unconditional love), cannot have His own people. (Mathew 5:44-48). All the accounts not in conformity with this principle originated from cleric’s pen (Jeremiah 7:31; 8:8)

  • Rainbow_Troll

    So... Jehovah is Satan?

  • Fisherman

    God shunned Adam and Eve after they sinned. He never communicated with them ever again. Jews practice shunning and so do gypsies and other groups. Countries practice a form of shunning by locking up lawbreakers in jail.

    One should not expect to break the rules of membership of a group without some consequences.

  • anointed1
    Fisherman, You would find it difficult to stick to your comments if you read those scriptures I cited (Mathew 5:44-48; Jeremiah 7:31; 8:8)
  • Rainbow_Troll

    “He drew a circle that shut me out-

    Heretic , rebel, a thing to flout.

    But love and I had the wit to win:

    We drew a circle and took him In!"

    ~ 'Outwitted', Edwin Markham

  • Perry
    God shunned Adam and Eve after they sinned. He never communicated with them ever again.

    He spoke with both of them after they sinned. He took their fig leaves off and made them clothes of animal skins. This required the shedding of blood..... and a covering was provided because of it. This foreshadowed the blood covering Jesus would provide in the future.

    If they put faith in God, then Adam and Eve are likely saved, since we are saved by faith and not by works. The death penalty still remained, it just gets applied to SOMEONE else if requested.

  • scratchme1010

    Satan loves his own people and hates those who do not share his views, hence only he can use shunning as a weapon.

    On the contrary, God is love (agape = unconditional love), cannot have His own people. (Mathew 5:44-48). All the accounts not in conformity with this principle originated from cleric’s pen (Jeremiah 7:31; 8:8)

    What is this supposed to prove or validate? Shunning family members as a way of expecting them to want to return to the JW crap is wrong and abusive. Besides, who gives a hoot about the bible anyway?

  • schnell
  • schnell
    So... Jehovah is Satan?

    Sort of. The Zoroastrian influence of the battle between Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman is clearly present (with Satan taking the role of Ahriman) but it is a reinterpretation to say that the "hashatan" accuser in Job and the talking snake Genesis were Satan all along. To make things more complicated, it was accepted in the Middle Ages that the snake in Genesis was actually... Adam's first wife, Lilith, and her new lover was closer to what we'd call Satan.

    43alley doesn't touch on Lilith, but he sums up the development of the Satan character pretty well:


  • Finkelstein

    On the contrary, God is love (agape = unconditional love)

    Yes that's why he murdered just about all of mankind even innocent children at Noah's flood and he apparently is going to kill just about everyone again in the soon to come Armageddon. Full of love love love

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