You can’t call that rubbish bread, it’s a biscuit at best.. so it’s basically a shit biscuit
About the Memorial and Unleavened Bread Thing..
by snugglebunny 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
he did Not mean for people to hold some ridiculous Yearly celebration, what he DID do is observe Passover, as everyone who really knows---
Te: Earliest Christians did not prominently celebrate the memorial: proof :at the first Passover after Pentecost, Peter was in Prison and miraculously freed, rejoined the brothers at a "prayer meeting" no piep in the bible at that opportune time to put in writing: the word "Memorial", about bread, wine,
P.S: no attempt mentioned of "friends" trying to get the "emblems" into prison to keep that prime "anointed" qualified. Peter, as non-anointed " Other Sheep"*** had already partaken before.
***see pat. 14 of next week's -- April 5 wt study. no anointed before Jesus' resurrection.