I'm just watching this video. Now bare in mind this guy has never been a Jehovah's Witness so he has no investment in this cult.
Right everyone watch this video its insane!
by username 79 Replies latest watchtower scandals
An hour and a half long?
You're gonna have to give me the cliff notes, the NFL is on today
I don't have time to watch the whole thing now, but defintely will make the time later. From what I did watch it looks like it's an interesting one.
I can't get enough of these f.u Wt videos at the moment. Thanks for posting it.
OK if I said the watchtower have shares in, Google, Facebook, honeywell, lions gate entertainment, Walt Disney. Does that give you an incentive? -
Lockheed Martin 30,000 shares! -
They have shares in massive international corporations? Whoa, now that's a story. -
Watching........ -
Monsanto corporation 40,000 shares. Fucking basterds are trying to kill us with GMO! -
Northrop Grumman 30,000 shares! -
I got 15 minutes in, and sadly he didn't do his fact checking well.
He shows how the org invests in various stocks...including boeing...(makers of military equipment)
But then he shows how they invest in an alcoholic drinks company.
He then says "yes, the WT forbids you from drinking, yet they invest in this company"
We know drinking is ok though...