Anyone here can post anything they much is true?

by berylblue 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    Well, online some people will say things sarcastically or humorously too, to make a joke. I wouldn't call it a lie, but if somebody didn't understand the context, or the person making the post, they might see it the wrong way.

    There's also people who post what they've heard. They may be faithfully presenting it, as it was heard, but the information may not have been accurate to begin with.

    And also, there's our own faulty memories. As time goes by, I might remember only parts of an event and try to tell it and tell you this or that happened. But that's me reanalyzing things based on what I remember. Then I remember some more details and realize that's not why things happened that way at all. I wasn't deliberately lying, I just wasn't remembering everything.

    And there's also the, shall we say, mentally challenged? JW door-to-door reaches all kinds of people. Sometimes those people are insane and get duped into being a JW or become one because somebody's willing to pay attention to them. Some of those are ex-JWs now. With their mental state, some of the things they say and remember aren't accurate at all.

    And yes, there are liars. If it sounds too fantastical, it probably is.

    But I believe a lot of the people on this board and I'd say that lying is rare.

  • xenawarrior
    Keep an eye open beryl, you will soon see how quickly people who lie are caught out here. There's a lot of sharp people here and they are usually on the ball pretty quick when someone is fabricating.

    LOL Brummie !!! For the most part this is true. There are those, however, who get away with telling lies and fabricating life stories incessantly and over a long period of time and when called on it occasionally, simply make up another lie !!! It amazes me they can keep their "stories" straight and how they remember who they told what to. But they are hoodwinking only a few and eventually not even those trusting souls. It's really rather pathetic if that is the only way they can get the attention they are so desperately seeking. And the only thing they gain is something as superficial as they are. Quite sad indeed.

    Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive........

    I think folks who make up stories in real life or on-line display a massive lack of self esteem. Their life isn't "okay" to them, they aren't "okay" in their own eyes, so they make up stories they think will make them more interesting. But lying or making up stories in this way is taking advantage of the trust of others and IMO it's just plain wrong.

    IMNSHO; you get what you give out in this life and you can't build real relationships with people on lies.

    XW of the "my life may not be glamorous, but it's real" class

  • Xena

    Darn it Six how many times do I have to tell you "I AM A REAL GIRL!"

    How much is real? I guess as much as you want to philosophy is take everything with a grain of salt...if it makes you happy don't question it to closely...and if it doesn't hurt you then you don't need to hunt it down, kill it and string it up for the rest of the group to gawk at and poke...

    Ok it is a loose grouping of philosophies....

  • PopeOfEruke

    Of course you all realise I am the real Pope.

    The Pope

    PS My Father Plays Dominoes Better Than Your Father (repeat to tune of random Gregorian chant)....

  • blackout

    Well I for one have told an untrue story that some thought was true. The one about when I went to the memorial and partook and ate the bread 'like cooky monster' I thought it was pretty obvious it was a joke, but some didn't get it. Oh well, we dont all have the same sense of humour.

    I think some people would make things up, but as long as the main facts ie the JW /UN scandal etc are true I think thats the main thing, after all do we really have the right to know all about someones life? I think some probably change some basic facts to keep their anonimity.

    cheers BO

  • Brummie

    Good post XW

    I think folks who make up stories in real life or on-line display a massive lack of self esteem. Their life isn't "okay" to them, they aren't "okay" in their own eyes, so they make up stories they think will make them more interesting. But lying or making up stories in this way is taking advantage of the trust of others and IMO it's just plain wrong.

    Agreed. Too many people rely on other peoples veiw of them rather than looking inwards to make a self evaluation of who they are internally. If people can evaluate their own self worth they wont need to rely on the appraisal of others, infact they wouldnt give a stuff what others think of them, then life would be more peaceful and honest!

    "my life may not be glamorous, but it's real"

    Nice thought!


  • hillary_step

    I am the Disgusting Thing That Causes Desolation, I eat opera stars and merely for pleasure smoke cigars made from Keith Richards shed skin, while of course dancing the solo Tango inside numerous crop-circles.

    Honestly I do.....HS

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    smoke cigars made from Keith Richards shed skin

    Now that's an interesting visual.

  • Valis
    Valis are a liar of the highest calliber!!!!..I I mean vaguely recall you being the very oprah star mention...and that you had been on TV several times with your story of the transvestite elder dad and dominatrix mommy...dude you can't fool all of us heathen freaks alll the time...


    District Overbeer

  • jgnat

    LOL Berylblue, good observation. Actually, thre are more than three sides. After all, what is Truth?

    I do notice the WTS can more easily dupe people who believe everything they read. And that some xJW's do carry that trait with them when they leave. Just because something sounds authoritative, or was told by somebody in a white lab coat, or ends with This is A True Story, does not mean we have to swallow it whole.

    There is plenty of believable material here. I appreciate that many posters quote their sources and provide scanned copies of the original material. That gives each of us a way to double-check their information (unlike the WT articles).

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