I am inspired by all the things we humans do to keep our cities running simply because if we don't, our cities fall apart. From Librarians to Firefighters to Trash Collectors.
I am inspired by the people who volunteer their time to keep shelters for the homeless, abused and down on their luck up and running. I am inspired by people who volunteer at the food banks to help families over a hard time and perhaps keep them from becoming homeless themselves.
I am inspired by 1000cc motorcycles that spin to 12,000 rpm, and that I can go and buy one.
Oddly enough my cat Felix. He has this inate ability to know when I need some inconditional love. He knows when I need him to curl up with me and keep me company. He and I are linked.
I know what you mean. My furry little buddy Titan had to leave last year. He was 18 years old. I still miss him, he would curl his tail around my shoulder while he slept against my neck. If I had a fleck of pretzel stuck in my beard, he would climb up on my chest and "groom" me as if I were another cat.
I've put off getting another cat because we were so close. It still seems too soon.
But this winter, on my walks about my city in southern Ontario, I've come to meet a family of feral cats who live in behind the gaps of an old tumble-down retaining wall along a park. This winter has been harsh, in fact the month of March so far is the coldest recorded here since 1878. They've been looking pretty thin so I have been bringing them some nice pieces of fish to eat and while they are still very wary of me, they have come to know my routine and the time of day I will arrive. They expect me, and both parties are getting comfortable with coming up to the other.
I'm thinking there may be kittens in the spring...
And this too inspires me.