Someone said on forum they knew someone df for not going to assigned meeting in old days
The most absurd reason have you heard someone disfellowshipped for ?
by Chook 29 Replies latest jw experiences
Masturbation, lol
Imagine three men casting the first stone at someone for tickling themselves
For posting this on Facebook. LOL
James Mixon
A 30-40 year old DF for fornicating. -
teen girl for fornicating but she is mentally handicapped.
Two girls in the congregation i grew up in were DFd for going to a nightclub... twice. They got them on "brazen conduct" - a free for all meaning "you ignored our advice". They then classed them as unrepentant because they went twice.
Both have not returned and this was 20 years ago.
"pale.emperor" mentions "brazen conduct" this is a more recent sub category of the old "loose conduct" (which was largely used to justify reproof or DF'ing for non-penetrative sex before all the porneia definitions came along).
I knew of a committee which DF'd on the basis of loose conduct a married but estranged sister for dating "unrepentantly" a work colleague in the 1990's.
Jerking off to a stuffed Smurf. JK, but you know it happens.
One couple for practising Feng Shui, a sister for smoking, and a brother for running a business that provided Christmas entertainment. At least those are the reasons I heard for the disfellowshippings. Not being an elder or a great gossip gatherer I can't be completely sure about the details.