Stay alive till '75 over and over. Watchtower can't help themselves with this crap.
''Deliverance at Hand''. Now 15 years on &....
by Beth Sarim 13 Replies latest jw friends
Beth Sarim
Yes the convention in 2006 was titled ''Deliverance at Hand''. I can remember distinctly and vividly the weeks and months leading up to it.
Dubs everywhere were more than convinced it was the last ''convention ever'', ''dont even bother making plans'' or vacations for the next year or so.
Dubs everywhere were more than convinced it was the last ''convention ever'', ''dont even bother making plans'' or vacations for the next year or so.
They said exactly the same about their "Peace on Earth" international assemblies in 1969!
The fact is the WTS and its top leaders were fear mongering charlatans who made and proclaimed doctrines like Armageddon is soon to attract attention to the literature they published but also mentally control people, they were subsequently successful with both agendas.