I just received the 1-15-2016 wt today, a gift from an ardent student. glancing through it, The reference to increasing the requirements as Slimboy suggested, must be very subtle, because the emphasis is still on a mysterious "anointing process" ( new word, par.8) there still seem to be a disconnect between works and anointing, although current GB members are ex cos, not all "anointed" are. Even a miracle for or by you would not count as a sign of being a "wt saint". (par 15) There will be many juicy comments here on these two articles. Tidbits I gathered?:
1) page 22 par 1 : the anointed only are still the "spiritual Israel" wheres "john" wrote they come out of the 12 tribes.
2.) par 17: "--the majority of the anointed have already died --[and been resurrected?]" that means we still could have 72001 genuine partakers , and many more counted, before 2075, by current trends. Can you imagine more than 144 000 partakers?
3) par. 14 "-- [anointed} have not lost interest in life, wanting it to end quickly--" no, hence the overlapping generation taking us to 2075.
4) page 26 par 15 :" it seems that all in the first-century Congregation were anointed--", well, it seems only? of course all the billions of partakers that were fooled by BTG, would end up on earth surely there had to be 12 non -anointed tribes for the partakers to come out of.
The anointing process is still hidden, personal and mind changing, a process akin to Eve listening to the talking snake.