I can no longer read any posts on this website with my iphone. every time I go to a page I get something like a popup that says congratulations you've won a prize at amazon. theres no way to close it out. I try to hit the back button but it redirects me back to the stupid amazon prize page. Does the webmaster have any control over this?
Website redirect
by enigma1863 12 Replies latest forum tech-support
enigma - that sounds very annoying. I suspect you have inadvertently allowed some ‘bot’ or whatever it’s called to redirect your screen every time you try to log on to this forum.
I doubt very much that it is caused by the web forum itself - as I use an iPhone to log on with no problems. Still, Simon may be able to advise you u on what you need to do.
Simon's The Man for you
You most likely have an app that contains some malware. Check your recent install / run a virus scan.
There is a small chance that it's a rogue ad but those would tend to affect everyone and get squashed by Google pretty quickly.
Try doing a search for the exact text showing on the popup / redirect and you'll probably find links to the exact malware and possibly the apps that include it.
It’s happening to me too. This is the first time I’ve been able to post in awhile on my IPhone. Pop ups almost right away or as soon as I click on the another page.
I get that too! Not every time though.
I use Android with Chrome, but the process is similar for all devices. First perform a full power-off and restart. Then (before visiting any web site) clean the browser history, including images etc. but saving your login IDs and passwords (most cookies are safe to keep; but .jpg, .mpg, etc. files can contain scripts to hijack your browser--those are what we're trying to shut off).
Same here. I've cleared the cache. Nothing works. I have to turn the phone off and on.
Turn off your phone
Wash your phone carefully in 3 parts water and 1 part white vinegar. Add a pinch of sea salt if you live in an area with hard water or a lot of minerals.
Let it sit in the solution for about 20 minutes.
Then take out the battery and let the phone and battery dry for 2-4 hours.
Clean off the terminals of the battery with a clean cloth and reinstall.
Reboot it and you should be good to go.
Rub a Dub