what caused me to doubt the borg 2

by kilroy2 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kilroy2

    I had been in the cult for 30+ years when a watchtower article came out about how a witness would never use any thing to defend him or her self, including pepper spray stun gun. and absoultly no fire arms. I had followed blindly for years cauz mama said so and mama and grandpa could not be wrong. well i found out that mama and grandapa could be and often were wrong dead worng. but that is another story. I have been a gun collector for years since i bought my first 22 at a local grocery store for 28 bucks. I eventually got into pistols. and was told by the local elder tim schmidt and jackoff arnold that it was a forbidden hobby. I collected any way,when the watchtower artical came out saying that dubbers would never use a fire arm in self defence, I started to see what the bible said [at that time i still believed in the bible] and found that jesus said that any one who had not sword should sell his outher garmet and go buy one [a sword was the equivlant of a pistol at that time] and the at the guardan of g. the apostals had not one but 2. that is how the famous ear incadent came about. well i decided to write a letter to the big kahonnas but i knew that they would crush me with their supiror logic. the letter i got back not only was feble but had nothing to back up their position. this emboldened me to write more and more. the letters were so feble that when the last one came i did not even return a responce. thay basicly said that thay did not care about self defence thay did not want any publiscity with a witness using deadly force to protect them selves. If thay died well then ja would make the boo boo better in the new world. well shit we have been waiting a long time for that and nothing on the horizon yet. if nothing else it showed me that the myth of how smart and inteligent the boys from brooklyn are was false. then in 95 the big generation change [oh ya. thay did not change we just took it wrong all those years when thay said that with in one generation all these things would come to pass. that the generation that was alive in 1914 some of which would be there in the end. we did not understand the right meaning.] have you ever noticed that even when the boys change someting or recant it is really not their fault but the rank and files. that always pissed me off. in 75 i will never forget it was us that jumped the gun. thay screwup in their profacy and we get a wack on the wrist. but now it is our turn with foot up the ass with the aid of the internet. I have not recieved my so called shep call and dont know if i will. thay want me out bad. I would tell them what i thought about the cult. but to only one elder so i would use their 2 witness rule against them. thay would call and say can we [as in 2 elders ] come over to talk. my responce was to say not to talk religion, I know what you want If you want to come over to shoot at my gun range for the day you are welcome but not to talk religion. this blew them away. so now i just get dirty looks if i meet one when i go to the store or get the mail. I also put up posters regularly about silant lambs and thay keep tearing them down. going so far as to pump in to the greap vine that thay are going to call the FBI so on the backs of the posters i write did you get ahold of the FEDS yet? I am just following booze ruthaford agitate agitate agitate!!!!!!

  • sandy


    Very interesting post. I am curious though, Can you or anyone else direct me to the WT that shed "new light" on the "generation" . I remeber reading the info., I just don't know where to find the article. If some one has it posted on here that would be great.

    You Said:

    then in 95 the big generation change [oh ya. thay did not change we just took it wrong all those years when thay said that with in one generation all these things would come to pass. that the generation that was alive in 1914 some of which would be there in the end. we did not understand the right meaning.] have you ever noticed that even when the boys change someting or recant it is really not their fault but the rank and files

    I am not disagreeing with you I just never saw it that way. Maybe I missed something. I was kind of already fading at that time.



  • Warrigal

    Welcome Kilroy2! I'm in total agreement with you regarding defending oneself with whatever weapon comes to hand. I too have handguns, rifles and a shotgun and know how to use them all.

    Jesus did tell his apostles to get swords and the swords at that time were not suitable for anything except self defense. l take this as a divine OK to defend oneself using weapons. The Roman short sword was certainly not suitable for hunting and would hardly serve as a spit to roast meat upon.

    Jesus knew we would live in difficult times and allowed his followers to protect themselves and their loved ones with the most powerful weapon available to them at the time.

  • Francois

    This technique is called "blame the victim." It is found in high-control/authority groups of all kinds whether religious, social, political, or what have you. This fits hand in glove with the other predictable characteristic of these types of organizations: guilt. Religious groups especially love to use guilt to keep its membership pliable and quiet. So if you're already feeling guilty because you're so "imperfect" it is natural that you would fall for being blamed. Of course this happened with the 1975 debacle. The jerk offs in Broklynn denied they had set such a date and blamed it on the rank and file. And most of the rank and file bought it 'cause they're sooooo imperfect - guilty - anyway.

    These guys know what they're doing. I'd be willing to bet each and every one of them has their own personal copy of Hoffer's "The True Believer" right there on their nightstand. Next to the "Barely Legal" magazine with pictures of naked 18 year-olds made up to look 14. So after they get off on a bender, they read Hoffer. Neat.


  • Maverick

    Dear Kilroy2: I grew up with guns and my brother is a retired police chief. I have a 'carry permit' though I carry my .357 only to the range on Sundays. This is what I do instead of going to the brainwashing Kingdumb Hall now. Gun ownership is a personal, and constitutionally protected, right. I think every high school senior should have to complete a gun safety course just like they have to take a vehicle safety course. I don't think we would have the problems with firearms we have if people knew just how serious and harmful they can be in untrained hands. I don't plan to put the True God to the test in having to resurrect me for not defending myself. I'll let the other guy do that!

    If the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses think the resurrection is such a noble concept, why don't they volunteer to test God out on this! They play fast and loose with everybody else's lives! Maverick

  • kilroy2

    I to have a ccw. In michigan we just got the law changed to shal issue. about 3 years ago. And guess what it is not the wild wild west thay predicted. I have aprox. 98 firearms the oldest is a 1863 sharps carbine 52 cal precusion. the newest a glock 19 9mm and i love them all. as for the watchtower that changed the generation def. it was in 95 the year is seared into my memory. I worked consturction and my whole family is in the business. I argued with elder unckles and other relitives. thay all said that the meaning was not changed just defined better. what bull shit thay redid the aid book to the insite just to get ride of the generation meaning in it. and cauz ray franze was the author. thay really think that thay can fool us all. you can fool some of the dubs all of the time and all of the dubs some of the time but you cant fool all of the dubs all of the time. and with the internet the ones that can think for them selves can now stand on the backs of giants and see what we could never see before. Its like the movie on trial for your life. when you use more than 4% of your brain you dont want to be a dubber any more. thay are alot like mcdonolds always have full staff but the turn over is very high.no one wants to knock on doors for very long unless thay have brain damage. Speaking of guns and hunting a lot of the elders hunt and poach up here. thay bend the rules when they want.I have fished with many elders for salmon and thay all snaged with trebble hooks. totaly illegal. I would bring up that it was no diffrent in gods eyes than banging a elk with out a permit. I would get the look and than told that the DNR really wants you to poach salmon cauz there is so many. Ya and holiday inn wants you to take the towles. the elders were norm guardner and daryl kunde zac and kevin guardner dick schroder of vanderbiult. but let me go to one R rated movie and shit hits the fan. inside the org. its all politics its not what you know its who you blow. I was always to proud to blow any one. I more bit off dicks and that dont get you and eldership. but being an elder is about as impresive as being pres. of my local book club. big whoop!!!! I would rather stay home and watch dss chanel 584 you guys no what i mean . and do what thay told us not to but to read the propaganda and take long walks and cold showers. I have a lot of catching up to do.

  • Swan


  • bluesapphire

    Sandy, I have the article you want. Or you can look in the bound volumes. It's November of 1995.

    If you want to see where they blame the rank and file for their 1975 failed predictions, I have those too.

  • Maverick

    Hey Kilroy2 I work up in Indian River the last two summers, love Mich. The people are way cool! I went to the Hall there and half the J-duds work for the other half. Man they rip each other off left and right. And if you are a worldly relative it is open season on getting screwed by your J-dud family! If what I saw was indicative of the new system they are planning for, there will be one carry over from this old system in there new one...small claims court!!! To me the J-dud elders are DNR of the religious world! Maverick

  • Satanus


    Watchtower November 1, 1995 It admits past speculation, but does not admit the Watchtower Society had any part in it.

    "Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah's people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days makeup a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah." (Watchtower 11/1 1995 page 18; bold added)

    "Does our more precise viewpoint on "this generation" mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all! Though we at no time have known the "day and hour," Jehovah God has always known it, and he does not change." (ibid, page 20)

    How long is the "generation" now, anyway? The Watchtower answers:

    "Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy today, "this generation" apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways." (ibid, page 19; bold added)

    I can pm the entire article, if you want.


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