We all know which topics interest us the most, but which subjects bore you the most? Some here love all fluff. Some hate it.Some might respond to only intellectual arguments while others may not have the foggiest of what is being debated.....So, what do you tend to skip, here?
Which Topics Do You Find Most Boring Or Uninteresting Here?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
I hate all the fluff questions....
I never post to those
I skip most of Minimus' threads....
Well, the ones related to war.
my eyes glazed over at the answers to my own question yesterday.
I don't find really any thread boring but I do avoid hard core dub threads, that isn't the posters fault my own just don't like to go there ya know
When I first dismantled my JW beliefs, I was interested in the doctrinal stuff like Trinity (or not); identity of God, God's name, etc. Now I don't read those posts anymore, it's no longer relevant (for me) - if there is an omnipotent power, squabblings over 3 vs. 1, name vs. no-name, etc., ain't gonna make a whole lot of difference to him/it/she/them. Now I like reading posts of a "philosophical" bent, if you will, i.e. Introspection's, some of Francois' writings when he gets onto threads of that nature, etc. I enjoy AlanF's posts, Maverick's, Blondie's WT reviews, the ones that show the WT flip-flops, hypocrisy and such, those are real eye-openers.
I like some of the "fluffier" stuff such as "what are you reading", "what are your favourite movies", "favourite Broadway shows".
And minimus' questions of course!
Yeah! I skip the ones about the war too. Its enough to listen on the news about it -this is the place I come for fellowship....
Which Topics Do You Find Most Boring Or Uninteresting Here?
I held my breath, and no one said JH's topics. Good.
Always talking about the dubs, would be a boring topic for someone who is here since a while.
Too much war talk is also boring.
Personal experience would be the best topic, I guess.
The ones that discuss doctrine. I will not be getting involved in any other religious organization as long as I live, once was enough. Bug