I watched the video; it's a solid rant but revealing. How deeply was Mike involved in the Watchtower? Marginally, I'd say because he can't pronounce the name of the church. "Jehovah witnesses"? Really? What happened to the possessive ending? Is he angry at anything other than being disfellowshipped? Hurt his pride, did it?
He thinks of himself as a scholar, but his anti-Bible rants represent old, sometimes discredited scholarship. Fine. You have to start somewhere. But if you want to appear to be a scholar you should be current. And poor grammar and disjointed, angry rants do not indicate rational thought.
He calls out people who pointed out their fakery, not with proof we were wrong, but because we're probably Watchtower agents and mindless. He approves of lies to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses. One does not need lies to do that. If you rely on every 'false story' that comes along, as k and m seem to do, then you appear to be a 'clown.' Those who expose K and M's foolishness are not the clowns in this adventure.
He does not understand the laws on libel and slander. Someday someone will, as he says "bring it on."
He seems to point to his many subscribers as proof of something. Hitler had many followers, and all that proved is that people are gullible and some will believe anything. Oppose the Witness faith all you want. Fine. But at least present us with something meaningful and TRUTHFUL.
I don't subscribe to their channel. If I did, I would unsubscribe. They are one of the most disappointing anti-Watchtower video producers.