Encouraging scriptures for the day

by Kosonen 543 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diogenesister
    Queequeg They have scorn for their brothers of the right-hand path because their religions carry different labels, and somehow this animosity must be released. What better way than through "prayer"! What a simperingly polite way of saying: "I hate your guts," is the thinly disguised device known as praying for your enemy! Praying for one's own enemy is nothing more than bargain-basement anger, and of a decidedly shoddy and inferior quality!"
    - The Satanic Bible


    Proverbs 25:21/22 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

    I always thought that was a terrible concept....be kind to someone so that in doing so God will punish them? đŸ€š How sinister!

    If you were a good person it's therefore better to not be kind - so that God does nothing cruel on your behalf!!

  • LV101
    • +1 / -0
    • Queequeg7 hours ago

      "Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others."

      - Buddha

      Know very little about Buddhism other than couple people who've figurines sitting in their place of work (manicurist) or home. Told they do not celebrate xmas but accept gifts from clients during the season and have the social/business skills of poisonous snakes. I even asked if they follow the 'do unto others' and response was, 'yes.' Sure could have fooled me. Oh my -- they could use some scriptures about loving their neighbor and social skills omg.

  • Queequeg

    "However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?"

    - Buddha

  • Kosonen

    A king will be broken without human hand:

    Daniel 8:23 “And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, a fierce-looking king who understands ambiguous sayings will stand up. 24 His power will become great, but not through his own power. He will bring ruin in an extraordinary way, and he will be successful and act effectively. He will bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of the holy ones. 25 And by his cunning he will use deception to succeed; and in his heart he will exalt himself; and during a time of security he will bring many to ruin. He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand.

    He will be fierce-looking

    He will understand ambiguous talk

    It's others that will make him powerful

    He will act effectively

    He will brutally bring down mighty ones

    He is cunning and arrogant

    He will even stand up against Jesus Christ

    I think we will see him in our lifetime

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    is this referring to Donald Trump ?

  • Kosonen

    Stan livedeath,
    I am wondeting that also.
  • Queequeg

    "Njördr in NĂłatĂșn begot afterward two children: the son was called Freyr, and the daughter Freyja; they were fair of face and mighty. Freyr is the most renowned of the Æsir; he rules over the rain and the shining of the sun, and therewithal the fruit of the earth; and it is good to call on him for fruitful seasons and peace. He governs also the prosperity of men. But Freyja is the most renowned of the goddesses; she has in heaven the dwelling called FĂłlkvangr (“Folk-plain, Host-plain”), and wheresoever she rides to the strife, she has one-half of the kill, and Odin half, as is here said:

    Fólkvangr ’tis called,
    where Freyja rules
    degrees of seats in the hall;
    Half the kill
    she keepeth each day,
    and half Odin hath.

    “Her hall SessrĂșmnir (“Seat-roomy”) is great and fair. When she goes forth, she drives her cats and sits in a chariot; she is most conformable to man’s prayers, and from her name comes the name of honor, FrĂș, by which noblewomen are called. Songs of love are well-pleasing to her; it is good to call on her for furtherance in love.”

    - Prose Edda

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i keep thinking its thursday.

  • LV101

    Queenqug - like your last quote ^^^ - Buddha.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath


    did this Nordic legend also include the 2 Shakespearian princes--Wetfart and Wankfast ?

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