LHG - at least the Catholics have positives going for them - I just tire of hearing JW negatives and there are many. At a funeral recently comment made by a Catholic, 'if this was a Catholic funeral they'd have the alcohol out and pouring'😂 I doubt right there at the Catholic church but I don't know. He's not even a drinker -- or wasn't! Many life-long, bonded, friendships, among the Catholics -- a beautiful thing.
Normal people don't give a darn if you're a witness
by XBEHERE 19 Replies latest jw friends
I might also add quite a few Catholic friends/acquaintances run from their religion! It happens.
Thanks. They may have their faults, but at least when I was Catholic, I didn’t get the sense I personally had a ‘bullseye’ target painted on my body like when I was in the JW religion!
There’s a serious difference there - and it’s not because anybody has the so-called ‘Truth’.. They wish. The Witnesses are simply an intrusive cult-like religion with no boundaries.. I learned serious life lessons getting involved with them and am Glad I was able to pull myself out of that trap!
Yup -- me, too, Longy! Hahahaha -- now that's too funny/lol re/the bullseye. I have to remember that one. Catholics I grew up with were happy and proud of their religion -- not embarrassed and defensive like the JW cult members. I have couple of girlfriends who stopped attending after jr. high other than xmas/easter (they say twice a yr. is enough for them (lol) but couldn't wait to be married inside the church just so they'd have beautiful wedding photos -- churches are so beautiful! Like miniatures of St. Patricks in NY (well, almost). My goodness -- can't go into enough of them in Europe just to see the magnificent art. I still have to return to finish observing one of my fave artist's, Carravaggio, famous painting -- the church's meter ate all my coins and the lights ran out! You know how you start at the left hand side to study or read and hells, bells, I made it about half-way through - I was somewhere in Rome but found more in Venice cathedrals. Oh my I grew up in the wrong church (boring Baptists!) - the Catholic church clearly has all the great art/oh my!
Longy - you'll love this -- there's a beautiful catholic church block (or 2/strolling distance) off the Las Vegas strip -- it's famous -- think it's called the Guardian Angel Cathedral (love going to weddings there - always beautiful inside) and many high rollers frequent the place for mass -- the church pulls in extra priests, etc., just to count the donations. Gotta love it!
Much better than robbing/squeezing poor adherents' monies.
I left school when I was 14 and started work and was still in the same job when i was converted because of a workmate when i was 19-20 yrs old.
I had a few more jobs before my last employer ,never held back that I was a JW and never ever pushed the religion on anyone and never had problems with other workmates or any of my bosses,even though some were religious themselves,
I retired when I was 68 and was able to buy my own home where i still live with my wife of 63 years .
I`m 84 this year .
As the title of this thread says ,I didn`t know anything about JW`s before I was contacted and never even heard of them until then.
I like the old saying mentioned above by Journeyman, (I think),"don't discuss politics or religion in public." One should be at their place of employment to work and zip up their personal lives. I'm clueless what the advice is scripturally but recall verse let your conduct/behavior be evidence of your faith -- I'm sure there's scripture about making a witness at every possible opportunity. I think it's social etiquette/environ/home life, etc. It's amazing how some spew on about attending/religious affiliation or ask or assume you're Morman or Catholic -- the latter most accepted by society. Never worked at place where brands were discussed/promoted except one assertive older Morman in California - they seem to know what's best for very young girls. In this state they are quite clique-ish. Hopefully, w/the tremendous growth the demographics have changed.
I'm sure there's scripture about making a witness at every possible opportunity.
You might be thinking of 1 Peter 3:15: "But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect" - they like to use that to prepare witnesses to speak out, but it's not about pushing your beliefs on others, it's clearly about responding IF you are asked/challenged first. The preceding verses show it's your conduct that should 'speak', as you said. Only if you are challenged should you be ready to make a defence.
On comparing with other faiths, I have occasionally worked with over-enthusiastic charismatic Christians - I remember one particularly over-the-top Nigerian guy who would remind everyone of his faith at some point every day, either by talking about the last sermon he heard in church or something he read in the Bible that day.
But I found the most irritating were the Muslims around the time of Ramadan who would make a big show of the fact they were fasting. If there was any food being offered in the office, or if someone commented on going out for a coffee or what they were doing for lunch or something similar, there was always one who would emphatically say: No, sorry, I can't, I'm fasting!" or else they would say something equally loudly about having to go to do their prayers. It always reminded me of Jesus' words at Matthew 6 about not praying and fasting openly to draw attention to yourself ("Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full") but I would never say anything or it could've ended badly!
I'd forgotten that scripture (thanks) but if asked is much different than what most of us have experienced. Some people are so aggressive and far from humble. I don't think anything religious should be promoted or blathered about on company time -- unless asked and time permits.
I've learned to ignore questions -- if someone asks 'do you have a church' I ignore - refuse to discuss in public. They get the hint real fast.
-- only dealt w/one weird situation recently by one obnoxious individual who can call me when donations, etc., needed so can do same if really interested.