Hi all,
I have just come across this website and was amazed to read to many similar experiences to what I went through with the 'loving' congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have now been gone 4 years but after reading some experiences I realise that the pain they caused still remains. I am now quite angry at the way they control your life and brainwash you - I am so glad I finally saw what was happening and got out. My once vibrant personality was slowly being sucked dry but now I am my own person again. My mother was victimized and secluded for the fantastic person that she is. They knocked her down so much, probably because she is on her own and has no big elder husband to get through. When she was recovering from cancer, NO ONE came near, I had to take on all the emotion and worry. Eventurally a sister (married to an elder did enquire to how I was, and when I answered that I was fine but tired, she replied by saying - 'welcome to the real world' and walked away. I shall never forget the love she showed. I almost married a 'brother' and shiver when I think about it - he was a control freak and I would never have had a say in my own life. I have many stories to tell about how I was victimized and talked about, lies spread. I am probably the least offensive person you can meet, I have had a lot of hard knocks in my life, such as a violent father, but it has developed me in to someone who tries very hard to be aware of other people and their sufferings. Since leaving I have gone to University and graduated last year with a degree and I have been with a wonderful man for 3 years - he treats me with the utmost of respect and love and always recognises that I am a person and always encourages me and supports me. However he would be classed as wordly sinner, but I tell you he is worth his weight in gold and flies high in my eyes, way above any of those 'fine' elders. I left the congregation on my own accord and feel really privileged to have got out. My sadness is for those who are too afraid to leave as they know no other and have had their personalities removed a long time ago. I feel sadness for those surpressed wives or for those youngsters who marry so young, knowing no other and I am so aware of the things that go on within the congregation that is hidden, allowing those suffering to suffer in silence plunging them into depression. I am sorry for those who are on their own, who get little support or do not get as included as those with partners and I feel sorry for those with strong and vibrant for life personalities that have them SNATCHED away from them, so that they become empty shells, nodding and always saying and doing what is acceptable.
Thank goodness I have my life back - there is so many good people out there to meet!