Growing up, the JWs at the Kingdom Hall taught me that perfection is the only standard via which things can ever be measured. "Well yeah modern medicine is great - but it's pointless because they can't save EVERYONE. And they can't stop people from dying." - "The UN is utterly pointless because wars still happen . . . it doesn't matter how many wars they've prevented from happening." - "World leaders may have good intentions . . . but they can't fix everything they want too so, in the end, it's pointless to even care about them." etc. etc. etc.
Simultaneously, they manage to exercise breathtaking arrogance, "Oh don't mind us . . . we're just on a divine mission from God and busy fulfilling prophecy and all . . ."
But whenever someone points out they're not curing anyone any better than the doctors, or making any better on their promises than the World Leaders, or that they're not solving world issues any better than the United Nations - they cry foul. Special pleading - "But we're God's organisation (bought and paid for by you) and anyone who criticizes us is blind and stupid and mentally diseasesed . . ."
But what do they expect? They're the ones who created us critical little bastards. They're the ones who created us critical little Monsters :p
The difference is most doctors, world leaders, and the United Nations don't claim to be on a mission from God or be "beyond reproach". However, the Society does make such grand claims for itself.
They are worthy of being held to the standard they claim they uphold. It's not like we're extra critical of them simply because we're X-JWs. Rather, it's because they're so damned self righteous in the first place and they can't possibly live up to the standards they insist everyone else live up to.