Facebook post by a JW on Pope & President & May 2012 WT
by rosyray 15 Replies latest jw friends
Bard - God, I'm getting old, lol. Thanks for the clarification. -
I always wondered what smh means too!! Too proud to ask my kids :P -
Lol @faye -
Island Man
Someone should get an old news picture of a Pope or other religious leader waving with a politician from a balcony - a picture that pre-dates the Watchtower issue. Then they can say that the Watchtower issue is not a prediction but merely a portrayal of a very probable occurrence that has happened before in the past.
rosyray, you can do it without fear. Just try to come across as being a level-headed JW following the FDS's admissions of not being inspired prophets. Throw an ice cold cup of cold reality on their delusions of Watchtower prophecy. lol.
So dumb. Really, completely fucking stupid.
I can't believe I was ever part of this moronic death cult. It's really quite embarrassing.
They did a great job depicting what is a common occurrence.
How little it takes for someone to confirm their beliefs with evidence that isn't there.