I think
your thoughts have the freshness of “new thinking”. You are really trying to avoid
all the obvious obstacles and fallacies, that occur in the old Hebrew Scriptures.
However your new and fresh ideas rise a number of new philosophical hard nuts
to crack…..Here are a few examples:
Why did the
other new creations have to suffer for the sin that Adam and Eve committed?
Did God use
the same DNA structures to create these “creatures” as he obvious did with Adam
and Eve.
On witch branch
on the evolutionary tree shall we put these new creatures? On Ape branch or
Lemur branch or some other…..
When did
this creation took place 6000? Years ago or 25.000 years ago? Scientist says
that they definitely, can find traces of human activity in some caves in in southern
France, and in Turkey from not less then 25.000 years ( agriculture/hunting
socit)…Not to say almost all agree on the fact that humans have originated in
If the
Bible is incorrect when it describes the creation of the first humans, how can
we trust it in any other way?
If the
other creations were Gods “children” why did he only concentrate his efforts to
raise Adam and Eve´s offspring?
In this mish
mash of raising questions, for me, the only possible answer is “He/She didn´t create anything at all”….The
billions of different specimen started with some “bacteria’s” some 3.7 billion years ago now in what is now
placed in upper east Canada…. It started the creation of a (not a ladder) but
of a gigantic three with millions of branches.