Do JWs see the org falling apart?

by ThomasDam21 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    ALL these Witnesses you mention are nothing but hypocrites in my opinion.

    Here they are all admitting things are very wrong with the religion and the GB - but yet they still cling to this toxic false religion. I am so glad I got out ages ago because I could not stand to be around these people.. The same JWs that privately bitch about these things would have criticized me over my job years ago and not getting enough ‘hours’ in FS.

    As far as the Catholics go: I was raised Catholic and at least I didn’t have a bullseye target painted on me like I experienced with the Witnesses.. I had to fend off Users left and right in the Witness religion.👎

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The word I'm hearing is that many members believe the org is gasping for air with appointing 18 year olds as elders, no field service requirement to speak of and the dumbed down meetings.

    But the theology is still appealing to unsaved people:

    1. You get to work for your salvation and that feeds your pride - it feels good.

    2. No need to trust in Jesus, when you die you paid for your own sins.

    3. If it is all BS, you will not be conscious forever separated from God.

    The JW religion has been described as the perfect religion for the unsaved, hard-working man.

  • Mikejw
    have an old JW pimo acquaintance I speak with weekly. He has been open about his doubts and criticisms of the governing body and false prophecies with over a dozen elders privately over the last 3 years. Privately they AGREED with him and never turned him in!!!! He has also dated a dozen single sisters he confided his doubts with...and they agreed with him!! Go one has reported him! That would be different 20 years ago

    This is most JWs these days. They are openly expressing doubts about the vaccine and saying maybe the GB gave wrong direction.

    it funny because everytime a WTower or meeting part comes up they always bring up how the COVID directive protecting us

  • Vidiot
    Sea Breeze - The word I'm hearing is that many members believe the org is gasping for air with appointing 18 year olds as elders, no field service requirement to speak of and the dumbed down meetings.”

    Frankly, I think it’d be weird if some weren’t thinking thinking along those lines.

  • Mikejw

    This weeks mid week meeting was crazy

    they played the clip David Splain saying would Jehovah let the GB take the vaccine if it was harmful

    then straight after in the book study they talked about circumcising and saying this medical procedure was a matter of choice

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The WTBTS since COVID has had the same issue many large corporations have: people noticed that sitting at home and doing nothing had the same result as going into the office and ‘doing work’. Guess which is easier. That is why they stopped hammering on service, first they had to comply with their WEF and UN cronies to keep the money flowing, then they realized nobody wants to go ‘back to the office’. Problem is they can’t lay off their funding source, if they found a way to keep the money flowing without the cost, they would do it in a heartbeat, like they have been doing merging building use.

    As with real (large) employers like the Federal Government or Microsoft, both parties know they can’t live without the other and both sides just have to figure out the minimum amount of mutual benefit that is acceptable. Some smaller companies and those with existing funding issues have been having mass layoffs for several years now (eg Twitter, Dell and HP) which doesn’t at all impact their service.

    I’m thinking we will end up with something similar eventually, where participation will be a ‘subscription benefit’, you have then 2 classes of JW, those willing to pay for the ‘club’ that will have access to even smaller KH or some kind of country club resort (temples like other cults eg scientology and Mormons have), they’ll get visits from CO and even GB members depending on level of subscription and those that just kind of show up to the ‘free web version’ on Zoom.

  • Rattigan350

    What I see is the world falling apart. People play stupid games and they win stupid prizes. Ones in the organization don't do that.

    Seabreeze still does not understand the theology.

    No one works for salvation. Paying for sins by dying is not about trusting Jesus. It is the sentence for sin that we all have. Jesus will fix that during the 1000 year reign. There is no soul continuing on after death regardless.

  • Vanderhoven7

    First of all, Jehovah's Witnesses believe so called anointed or born-again Christians go right to heaven when that die. Really! You see, Jesus paid for the sins of those in the New Covenant. They believe the first resurrection began in 1918 and that's when Peter and Paul saw the light of day once again.

    Apparently non-anointed Jehovah's Witnesses who die anticipate to be resurrected in the second resurrection, i.e., of the unjustified, along with just about all unrepemtant adulterors, drag-queens and extortioners who have done evil and granted asylum in an earthly paradise having paid fully for their own sins by dying. They therefore will be subjected to no further punishment for their past sins. Then they all, 8 million JWs and billions of common sinners, will be given a chance to reform and obey Abraham, Issac and Jacob and other Old Testament worthies in the new system of things. If they pass a test at the end of one thousand years, after attaining righteousness, they will be granted eternal life on earth.

    However, if the billions of unrepentant adulterers, drag-queens and extortioners are still alive when the Great Tribulation starts they will be forever destroyed and will not be raised into the New System. Sinners best die before the GT leading to Armageddon.

    So you don't have to die repentant before the GT starts, but you do have to repent afterwards or you will be toast.

  • Biahi

    Vander, when I was a child, a sister at our hall died. She was supposedly one of the 144,000. My parents brought me to the wake. She was in the casket. On the way home, I asked why her body was in the casket, because didn’t her body fly up to heaven, since we (according to their teaching) don’t have souls.

    They seemed a little panicked, then my mom said that, right before she died, Jehovah inserted a soul in her, so that she could get to heaven.

    I knew that this was made up, and wasn’t in the Bible. One of many doubts I had as a child.

  • Journeyman

    The simple answer to the OP's question is that, no, no JWs who are even slightly PIMI are likely to imagine the Org falling apart. They may think it will be attacked ("persecuted") - in fact, if they're "real" JWs they should be expecting that - but they would never dream that it might be caused to break up or falter, because they believe unquestioningly that Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are 100% with the organisation.

    As mentioned earlier, most are probably unaware of the looming legal cases against the Org in many countries, but even if they knew of them they would just say it's part of the anticipated attack on them by Satan's system.

    However, for reasons that have been discussed before, I think that's arrogance and hubris. In fact, as time goes by I expect the Org to be caused to totter, if not collapse altogether, certainly in its current form. That's because I don't think it is "fit for purpose" nor is it properly doing God's will, and all the evidence from the past is that anyone claiming to serve God but who proves false to that has to be "disciplined" by him, and the more their falsehood is the result of arrogance, stubbornness or even blasphemy, the more severe is the discipline that God provides.

    The other way of looking at it which many exJWs would say is, it's just a group of men anyway, in which case, yes, it's even more likely to just be broken up or to fall apart sooner or later. No organisation stands forever.

    Vander, when I was a child, a sister at our hall died... etc

    That whole account sounds very weird, since none of what you describe has been part of JW beliefs for decades, if at all. "Inserting a soul" into the body? JWs don't even believe the "soul" is something that can be "inserted" or can "fly up to heaven". And there is nothing in JW theology that is problematic about seeing a fleshly body in front of you after someone has died, not even if they're supposedly one of the 144,000. Sorry, I'm confused...

    What can happen with many JWs is they simply mistakenly substitute the concept of "soul" with "spirit". By that I mean, they might talk about someone becoming a spirit being or being "raised a spirit" as Paul mentioned (as in the case of one of the anointed) but actually picture it in a similar way to what someone who believes in immortality of the soul thinks of when they talk about the "soul ascending".

    It's actually very hard for us as humans to comprehend "nothingness", so holding onto some idea of a "part" that continues on and "goes out" of our body is very persuasive and can easily become ingrained, especially if the JW has had a previous upbringing of believing in an immortal soul too.

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