So I had a conversation with an older brother...

by My Name is of No Consequence 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    @ sir82:

    He has been in the org since the 50's.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    **He not only wasn't ever supposed to die, he wasn't ever supposed to grow old. He should have jumped right from middle age into eternal youth in a paradise.**

    Kind of makes a person wonder, hey!!! I mean how many other countless JWs who have been in the Borg 50 plus years, never expecting to grow old. Jumping from middle age into eternal youth in paradise with absolute health.

  • Giordano

    While I feel for the old one's still in.......... I also need to remind myself that their collective belief was based on billions dying horribly at Armageddon before this small select group got their eternal life in a paradise.

    Funny but I never heard a believing witness say that it was a barbaric crime against humanity.

  • antes8080
    I have had the same conversation with a old C.O. His wife had died he was in bad health no retirement income no kids to visit him no gran kids to play with. He basically told me to start saving for the future and have a family. Broken promises from a organization that milks you to death.
  • steve2

    Let's not forget those who clung to the hope that 1914 was to be the end and then, later, 1925.

    Truckloads upon truckloads of ageing generations of believers have died old, frail and plain tired. And they believed they would not grow old and die.

    Oh, whilst at it, what about the Millerite expectations from 1844?

    And then there were the Anabaptists from a couple of hundred years before that who expected the end in their lifetime.

    You could be forgiven for believing end-times religions milk the human desperation for certainty of hope - which includes some form of bieng miraculous "saved" whilst the unsaved are punished and perish.

  • prologos

    their collective belief was based on billions dying horribly at Armageddon before this small select group got their eternal life in a paradise. that express feeling was reserved toward what jws. saw as opposers, recalcitrant house holders. I do not think any witness cherished the hope to have to clean up for 7 years the stinking mess on voluntary burial detail.

    yeah, and the heard and preached the message: "you will not die";--- have you read that line somewhere before?

  • Giordano

    Those resurrected will be in for a surprise when they are awakened and handed a Hazmat suit, a chemical sprayer and rakes

    Welcome Resurrected ones!

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    You can see it in their eyes, hopelessness. The folks that came in around

    the same time as me now in their 60's and 70's are thinking, I wasted my whole life

    in this organization. When I ask them how is it going, well I'm still working. Paradise is

    right around the corner, when are you coming back? Well I'm taking a chance because

    I believe paradise is for off and I will be dead, so I will see you there.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I suppose when the old gent passes, he will be pleasantly surprised if all those folks who have near death experiences are right. If the atheists are right, I guess he won't. If the WTBTS is right, heaven help us all! Still, it could be worse. If the Hindus are right, I'm going to have quite a few cow gods trying to look me up to exact revenge for all those barbecued beef ribs I put away when I was younger. Think of it. Cows running the universe with hosts of singing french fries giving them praise in the heavens.

    I had a now deceased friend tell me, "What doesn't hurt doesn't work, and what works, hurts!"

  • baldeagle

    During the 1970’s, 80’s, & 90’s….whenever I would try to discreetly engage others in a group regarding a recent WT study article or assembly talk adjustments that sounded absurd, we all remember peoples reaction. Be careful Bro.…… “You are talking against Christ’s anointed brothers.” Or my favorite…… “Why if I didn’t know better you sound almost like an apostate.”

    Most JW’s were so confident of the special connection their leaders had with the Almighty. Do not suggest that you were ever questioning them!! It may sound mean but I really feel zero sympathy for these older JW’s and their delusions of grandeur. Many were smug & haughty eagerly expecting the rest of mankind to be destroyed.

    Remember their famous go to scripture, “For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.”

    Oh and by the way remember their attitude and boastful feelings decades ago:

    WT September 15, 1971 p. 564 par. 22 Set Apart from the World

    22 All who seek a place in the redeemed society of mankind thereby come into association with the happiest people on earth—Jehovah’s witnesses. These are the only people who know for a certainty where they are going.

    WT March 1, 1988 p. 17 My Life in Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed Organization

    Indeed, in every country, Jehovah’s people are the best and the happiest!

    WT March 1, 1989 p. 3 How to Identify True Ministers of God

    However, true ministers of God not only have duties and requirements but also have many privileges. In fact, as a group, they are the most privileged, the most successful, and by far the happiest group on earth today, as you will see in the next article.

    So be it then, many JW’s who never remotely anticipated the year 2016 arriving have gotten old and will die in this old system. How happy are they now?

    As far as I’m concerned they are getting exactly what they deserve.

    And remember all this crap and self-importance just continues.....after all it’s the..... ”The Best Life Ever.”

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