No more judicial committee if maybe suicidal

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    No judicial committee if 'suicidal'.

    In other words anything to avoid legal ramifications. What other way would there be?

    Another way to avoid a judicial committee,,, is to contact w local lawyer office you know. Have them make-out a "cease and desist" letter and present that to the eldubs at your JC meeting.

    Its w formal letter,,,its an investment of around $100-$150.

    But its worth it.

    To have these guys leave you alone and prevent your name from "defamation"

  • EasyPrompt

    ExBethelitenowPIMA, here is something you said on a thread four months ago...

    "the situation is many of us are PIMA and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe...that’s where I’m at."

    I don't know why you are "putting on a front" but it is obvious you are putting on a front.

    The shunning doctrine in the borg is not going to change. The borg is going to be torn down because shunning (and many of the other horrid doctrines) are not Jehovah's way, not Jesus' way, not the Bible way. God's way is love. Those guys at Bethel refuse to change. The elders refuse to change.

    "'Come to Bethʹel and commit transgression...'" (Amos 4:4)

    Jehovah knows what goes on at Bethel and on the elder bodies. He has been warning those guys at Bethel.

    "But you did not come back to me,’ declares Jehovah." (Amos 4:9)

    Jehovah has not changed. (Malachi 3:6) He has allowed the nations to "devour" His Name People before. (Joel 1:2-4)) He's about to do it again. (Amos 3:7)

    "Get ready to meet your God." (Amos 4:12)

    The Bethels will not survive the great tribulation. All the properties and real estate and investments and KHs currently owned by the JWborg will be completely taken away by the governments in the days ahead. It's as good as done.

    ExBethelitenowPIMA, you'd be wise to warn your buddies at Bethel that they better find new housing, preferably sooner rather than later.

    "For the vision is yet for its appointed time, And it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie." (Habakkuk 2:3)

  • EasyPrompt

    "Easyprompt I am an experienced elder, I have been in Bethel for many years and I suspect I know far more than you. As my name suggests I’m now out of Bethel but I go back there all the time. I was there at Chelmsford again recently.

    Can I ask you what makes you think you know so much? Have you only recently been out or has it been a long time?

    Can you tell me any Bethel Elders you know of on the service desk or on the Branch committee?

    You sound like you do know some higher ups please tell me their names because I probably worked with them for years"

    Since you "go back" to Bethel all the time, and you've worked with those Bethel Elders at the Service Department and on the Branch Committee, you can call them and validate what I shared with you on the other thread. I just spoke with Robert Ciranko on the phone the same day his "Morning Worship" on disfellowshipping came out a few weeks ago.

    When he answered, I told him I had a question about disfellowshipping. He asked how I got his number. I told him the same way I researched the numbers to compile phone territories in the ministry. He said "that's fair". When he asked if I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses I said "yes" because I am a witness of Jehovah. (It was only after our conversation on the phone was over that I texted him and told him I've been disfellowshipped on false charges by lying elders, and I told him some other things - kindly of course.) He asked what congregation I am from, so I told him the congregation I have been affiliated with. When I attempted to ask him my question about disfellowshipping, regarding how the Bible shows justice takes place in the city gate and not in a backroom, he interrupted me and said I could send my question to the Service Department. I told him that when I write to the Service Department, they don't write back. He said to write to Patterson, and I told him I already have. He said to write again to the Service Department and put his name on it, that he said to write. I said "I can see you don't want to answer, that's okay." I was gracious and we said goodbye in a polite manner.

    Since Seth Hyatt works in the Service Department and I have his cellphone number, I proceeded to text him my question.

    I have also emailed the service department, legal department, and many other Bethelites time and again. The email addresses are simple, for the most part it's the Bethelite's first initial with the last name followed by "". Other department emails such as "opi" and "pid" and "generalcounsel" and "hid" or "his" can be found on the website. Some are blocked from outside but some are not.

    Tony Morris answered his cellphone when I called him last month, but after I said hello he didn't say anything else. I think he was scared. I had pressed "*67" before I dialed his number, so my phone came up unlisted and maybe he thought I was calling from somewhere else that comes up unlisted, same as when I dialed Robert Ciranko.

    Robert Hendriks gave me his cellphone number. We met him at convention in May. He was outside with his wife at lunch. Even though I've been disfellowshipped for a year, I still talk to people because I don't believe in supporting antichrist doctrines. (I cannot go to anymore conventions/assemblies/KH now because I have been completely banned because they don't like it when I talk to my friends before and after the assemblies, even though I never talked about anything they would consider to be "apostate" - just small talk and hugging people I've known for 20 years. But it made the elders who disfellowshipped me mad.) I asked Robert if my kids and I could have a photo with him and his wife. When my tablet was slow in turning on, he offered to use his phone to have the photo taken, and then he texted it to me. We talked via texting over the course of the weekend. He told me I'm a good example. Robert said I should visit Bethel sometime. (I have in the past, but tours just opened up again recently and they were already booked he said until November, which I already knew because I had checked.) Then I texted him and told him I have been disfellowshipped for reporting abuse. You can see part of that conversation, I already posted it in this thread.

    Last month, my kids and I did visit Warwick Bethel. We checked last minute and there were three tour cancellations for a day we were passing through the area. We talked with lots of people, took photos with them too. Eric Webber (in construction I guess, he talked a lot about Ramapo - actually stopped and got out of his car to help us take a photo, then he shared a scripture with me and my kids, even though he misapplied it about how the GB decides which way to go when choosing where to build - but he was nice enough.) None of the people knew I've been labeled "a wicked apostate deserving of death" by the local elders. They told me to come back and visit again. (Funny, because all the correspondence from Bethel and the CO and the local elders is about how "disruptive" they consider me to be. I have never disrupted a meeting or a convention or anything. They are slanderers and they are guilty of the very charges they've mislabeled me with: reviling and causing divisions.) Even the security brother took a photo with me and said to please come again.

    ExBethelitenowPIMA, you can check all this stuff. Call your Service Department friends and your Branch friends if you want. Call Robert Ciranko and Tony. I'm not making this stuff up.

    Shunning is wrong. It doesn't have Jehovah's holy spirit backing it. Tweaking the elders book won't fix it. Jehovah's sending Jesus to take down the Watchtower.

  • LongHairGal


    ExBetheliteNowPima should warn his buddies in bethel to make plans because there may be more downsizing! And this might be before any ‘great tribulation’.

    Any bethelites with an ounce of sense (especially older ones) should have a plan and some phone numbers to call.. While it’s possible this can come about the way you said, it’s more likely to come about because of the org/religion just wanting to save money.

    And so the congregations out there will get yet another bunch of needy people dumped on them. More chickens coming home to roost.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    When you say you called Tony Morris last month I find this extremely interesting

    You do know about Tony don’t you? And yet you claim you can just call him on his phone anytime you want.

    Could you please call him again and record the conversation, ask what is really going on

  • EasyPrompt

    @ExBethelitenowPIMA, No, I will not, because that would be rude, but it doesn't surprise me that you would request it, because it fits your personality.

    You were never at Bethel. You're not an elder either. You're a faker.

    I don't know what you're trying to get out of being here, but it's not nice to try to fool these people. You don't fool me, but you are fooling a lot of them, and it's not nice.

    Whatever. You'll reap your wages. There is a God and heaven, and He sees what you're doing.

  • TonusOH

    The woman in the blue jacket/blouse in one of your earlier pictures looks very familiar.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I am an Elder still, even though I’m PIMA I love the Bible and studying the deeper things in there.

    I did used to be in London Bethel until the big lay offs began.

    I still have many friends in Bethel and go there every opportunity I can.

    Sometimes an older one needs to go back to Bethel I volunteer to take her, I love going there and seeing everyone

  • EasyPrompt

    Hi TonusOH🙂...

    The woman in the blue jacket is Robert's wife, she seemed like a really sweet person.

    Hi ExBethelitenowPIMA😉...

    Interesting you say you enjoy deep Bible discussions so much but you tend to avoid those threads on here.

    I don't want to argue with you. I don't know why you are hiding behind a mask, but that's your business. I just don't like watching people getting lied to. I think sometimes they call people "trolls" when they hide who they are but they're selling some agenda. Trolls need love too. I hope you know that you being loved isn't dependent on whether or not you are viewed as "an ExBethel Elder" or a position or anything like that.

    It's apparent to me that you're "selling" something about the organization - you think there is something redeemable about this "new clause" in the elder book thing you keep talking about. You'll throw in some comments that sound like what a JW would think an "apostate" would say or do, and then you'll turn around and defend the elder worship structure of the borg.

    A lot of people on forums are not who they pretend to be, but it's easier to see through some than others. Basically, whenever you post, I just filter it and figure about half of what you say is the exact opposite of what you really think, a quarter is "fishing", and a quarter is advertising whatever it is you are "selling". I've known a lot of liars. Most of them were just scared about something.

    Here's something that maybe you don't know: a high percentage of the people in this forum are some of the most honest people on earth. "Apostate" is probably the least accurate word you could use to describe them. They are looking for truth. If you come here and pretend to be something you're not, eventually you're going to be found out and whatever fake "platform" you're trying to build will fall.

    The real truth about anything can stand on its own and doesn't need deceptive techniques to "sell" it.

    If you were really "agnostic" or whatever about the GB/FDS, if you were really into "deep Bible study" then you would recognize that the entire business model structure of the organization from the top down is not scriptural and no amount of "tweaking" an elder book will fix it.

    But you can carry on trying to sell that business model if it pleases you. Jesus is coming soon to cut those sales short, but you'll find that out soon enough.

    Do you like Cake? I like this song. Even though it's called "How Do You Afford Your Rock'n Roll Lifestyle" in principle it reminds me of how the FDS/GB affords their lifestyle, and how the borg keeps "buying what they're selling"...

  • DesirousOfChange
    it all sounds like a legal cop out for the watchtower. ~ Stan

    I agree. I really think WT has mixed feelings now on DF/Shunning. They SO want to stop the apostate information by silencing dissenters, BUT DF/Shunning is causing them legal issues all around the globe and even putting their religion & tax exempt status at risk in some places.

    With the No JD policy they can just verbally circulate that so-and-so is no longer a JW which leaves nothing in print and nothing publicly stated. But the result will be mostly the same. Sheeple will follow and continue to drink their KoolAid.

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