You are quite right in saying you have an equal right in saying how your children are brought up .Forget this bullshit about Man being the head of the house to make all important decisions..... Hogwash.
That rubbish has been nourished throughout history by the Hebrew Scriptures , the Christian Greek Scriptures , and the Quran /Koran to name a few with the full intent of keeping women in their place , downtrodden
I am a male ,father and husband to two boys.Sadly we were JW`s for 37 years and I regret bringing my boys up in this religion as head of the house.( Even though we are all out now ) Some damage you can never undo.
Don`t make that mistake.
Stick by your guns and don`t let yourself be intimidated by anyone.Your children`s future depends on it.
Your second response here seems a very well conceived plan to implement , there has to be compromise on both your parts .
You must have a voice in how your children are to be educated , in a secular sense and religiously .
I wish you well and take care