Prisca! You're back! Well done, and so quickly too! You really must be well-connected computerwise!!
Cheers, Ozzie
by ozziepost 25 Replies latest jw friends
Prisca! You're back! Well done, and so quickly too! You really must be well-connected computerwise!!
Cheers, Ozzie
4. Because I knew I must.
5. TheBibleWatchtower says so.
7. Because I had nothing else to do.
8. To be out with my friends.
10. I wanted to get through Armageddon.
11. Other (please detail) - Because there were times when I actually didn't mind it (true!)Me too these were my reasons when I was pioneering, Then when things got tough, I just stopped going out, for years I barely got 1 hr/month.
This response is based on phases of my life as a witness.
When I first became a witness my reason would be #5- I really believed it was a scripturally directed decree, and as I was the head of a family, I was required to take the lead in this matter, so #6 applied. As time went on I desired to reach out for greater " priveleges" and the requirement for an MS and elder required that I continue to be active in service, which I believe is covered by #1. When the realization that the whole life we were living was based on lies and deceit, I only went out to avoid getting the dreaded "Shepherding Call"(#3). The rest, as they say, is history.
BTW : We (the missus and I) sure enjoy everybody's posts. It's good for morale. Thank you all.
Prisca! You're back! Well done, and so
careful ozzie, it might be Kent! heh heh heh ....
Oz.Well I did it because i had to. If you didnt put in your slip on time Robin Pellow (field service overseer) was there asking you for it. The thing that surprises me is that it never occured to me to cheat the hours, say, go out on the work for 5 and write down that Id done 10. God was watching.
going out to impress the sisters... I was a skirt chaser from infancy...