Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The wording on reporting on the new form is "any form of the ministry"
How will they define what 'ministry' is in this context?
This is from a Watchtower in 1971 8/1, an article that defines what it is to minister and in part states
"The expression “to minister” in this text translates a Greek verb (di·a·ko·neʹo) meaning literally “to serve.” Yes, basically the Christian ministry is Christian service. If we keep this in mind we will be better able to grasp the full meaning of such ministry" It clearly explains in the article that it is not limited to field ministry and gives a number of examples as to what ministry includes. Even a Christian mother properly attending to the needs of her family is considered ministry. It includes the work Bethelites do and includes feeding or helping those in need. It is not limited to spiritual feeding.
As far as the Watchtower goes, it is often a matter of 'follow the money'. If we apply that here, then their new strategy becomes clearer. If correct, it hasn't got much to do with their failing numbers but more about driving the dollars in.
They are moving the focus from field ministry to other forms of 'acceptable service'. That would include Bethel Service, as a remote worker or living on site. Providing material help where ever they see it as being advantageous to them and this will be ramped up more. Spending more time on making video's. Devoting time to their biggest money spinner, the building work. Even more emphasis will be placed on donating as being part of person ministry.
Providing more material aid to those in need helps with Watchtower in a number of ways. Firstly, it establishes them as a 'charity' even more so, or beyond question in many countries. Being identified as a charity brings numerous financial benefits as well as creating a better public image to help in lawsuits.
'Jehovah's fast moving chariot' is quite slow and this appears to be part of their revamp that's been taking place over the past number of years. We've seen the articles and talks more and more promoting those other areas of ministry over that time but it's not so effective if JWs are still focused on the field ministry as being an important part of their Christian service, devoting at least 10 hours a month. With this step of removing the reporting of hours of field ministry and instead just asking whether the JW has been involved in any ministry over the last month, helps to shift the focus further.
Now there's a possibility that a JW may feel that donating money and being a good Christian is giving his best whereas in years gone by, it wasn't. They are becoming more and more like their enemy, the Catholic religion.
I love how they have designed the form, it's very sneaky. It says check the box if you have shared in any form of ministry during the month. If a JW feels that they haven't and puts a cross in the box, they'll still be counted as having done so. Very clever, all they need to do is be insistent that the JW fills out the form and hands it back. If they were being genuine they would have two boxes, a yes and a no box.
I like how the 'Comments' box is so small you couldn't write more than three or four words. LOL
I do remember a time when that liberal view of Ministry was the thing but it didn’t last long . They soon redefined it as “ field service “ . This from a more recent Watchtower:
Wt 2019 (study) April
“EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: Our Christian ministry includes various aspects of preaching and teaching, construction and maintenance of theocratic facilities, and disaster relief work. “
Mind you, I shall view With interest what Uncle Sam Heard has to say in the imminent broadcast.
As we all know, WT definitions are subject to change without notice.
Sometimes they don't even bother to call it new light.
Most JWs assume it's always been that way.
you can’t help but end up with a worldwide body of morons.
That's already the case. In the future they will only be HALF-ONs.
I expect the GB to come out with a clarifying definition of what does and doesn't qualify as "the ministry."
I also expect it will involve field service.
I do remember a time when that liberal view of Ministry was the thing but it didn’t last long .
Yes, I remember the org used to talk a lot about there being two forms of ministry: the field service, and the "internal ministry", the latter being caring for the elderly, shepherding visits, encouraging fellow Witnesses who were ill, needed help, etc.
In recent years they've used that phrase less but it has still appeared sometimes.
But they've not considered it something that could be counted on reports. In fact, many pioneers used to joke with other publishers while on field service (especially to a newly baptised one, for example) things like: "I would chat with you/study with you/etc but I can't count the time!"
I wonder if this change of wording and the ambiguous design of the form is leaving the way open for full-time Witnesses to count all types of ministry (including "internal ministry") in future? It would be a big change and an about-face from the past, but given recent big changes that wouldn't be a surprise anymore.
I would imagine it could particularly apply to pioneer elders, COs, etc. They could justify it by indicating the example of Paul, and that at least as much of his time was spent building up and encouraging the congregations as preaching to outsiders, and that it's all valuable use of time in spiritual interests, etc, etc. A case could easily be made for it. -
So easy to stick a blue JW.Borg sticker on your vehicle and call it "giving a witness" any time you're driving.
Too bad no one thought of that before the hour requirement was dropped. They could have got pioneer hours just by commuting to work and tooling around town.
Imagine how many hours you could bank for a good old American road trip vacation!
GreatTeacher, there were a pioneer couple in WV who had a vanity plate on their car that read PIONEER. ( I thought it blowing one's own horn!) but why wouldn't that work now for the pioneers to get their hours...they are being seen and that is basically what is going on at the carts.