In the USA, why so often is the vote for President just a vote against someone?

by RubaDub 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I agree, we voted against Hillary two or three times now, Obama and Trump are direct results of voting against Hillary, both are terrible presidents, Obama got us deeper into and kept us into a recession, Trump got us out but he can’t shut his mouth and just let good people like Barr do their job.

    On the other hand, things would’ve been a LOT worse with Hillary, that’s not opinion, she was Secretary of State and part of the reason Obama was such a terrible president. Even with her limited power, she did plenty of damage around the world.

    Indeed, the ones we voted ‘for’ turned out to be very good presidents, Reagan, Nixon and to some extent even Trump, they got voted in for a good reason, because the establishment wanted us to vote for ‘their’ pick. Nixon and Reagan were key in first stopping the growth and then later ending the USSR. They had a knack for the dramatic and how especially Reagan how things would look on TV, there is the well known example of Brezhnev standing there with full bear-hat and fur coats in the middle of winter and the US President coming down in a sports jacket - made Brezhnev look really old and Reagan young and vital.

    Trump may be a terrible president when it comes to unifying, but he’s at least fixing things. Nobody believed the Deep State conspiracy theories, now the NYT refers to the dismantling of the Deep State as a bad thing, implicitly agreeing with the notion that it exists.

  • RubaDub

    Out of respect I would also list Eisenhower

    @Giordano ...

    Yes, I was born at the end of his presidency. All I "know" from my father was that he played golf a lot and didn't do a whole lot but at the same time didn't mess things up too much. Overall liked generally. Would have had a third term if the law allowed.

    In my mind at least, a lot of qualities that Obama has.

  • Biblestudent1

    This man said it best ;)

    “However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

    George Washington, farewell address, 1796

  • LV101

    Eisenhower was a responsible president and has received minimal credit. He served his country and lived a very frugal life - lifestyle never changed and he received a ludicrous salary. Never fleeced taxpayers nor corrupt. Goes against the grain of Dems/handouts and I recall their vitriol long after he left office. Historians are finally revealing his accomplishments/leadership. I've 'heard' couple libertarians/independents/x-dems - one who is a Dem lifer chat about the subject.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Absolutely for sure positively the reason that tRump was "elected"! Very unstable person!

    just saying!

  • Vidiot
    RubaDub - “In the USA, why so often is the vote for President just a vote against someone?”

    Cause for some folks, it’s easier to hate someone than it is to like ‘em?

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