G.W. Bush Quotes

by William Penwell 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Let's face it, whoever is in politics gives us many blurbs to laugh at. One of my favorites was Al Gore, right after he and Clinton were first sworn in, visiting, I think it was Madison House, and asking the guide who were all the people whose busts lined the room and the guide answering, "this is George Washington, and here, we have Benjamin Franklin." The funniest part, though, was seeing Clinton turn around and roll his eyes.

    So, no matter who gets in, they will keep us laughing with their bloopers.

  • unclebruce

    most politicians don't make bloopers Dakota - they are bloopers. (and thick as a brick)

  • Farkel

    :He is NOT an gifted public speaker, as anyone who heard him yesterday in the Azores will testify.


    So is your argument that good leaders MUST be good speakers?

    Bill Clinton is as good as they get at public speakers. He shoved a cigar in the girl stuff and then savored it. He was married. He had a daughter, who must have been majorly embarrassed by that.

    But Bill was a "good" speaker. I guess that is what counts, huh?


  • ThiChi


    Shame on you! The point is your information is just plain false...for shame

  • Abaddon

    Farkel; I, along with most of Continental Europe, was amazed at the amount of moralistic BULL spouted during that sorry affair. Clinton was wrong to cheat, and stupid to lie. However his sexual morals were not pertinent to his competence as a leader. Him lying over his sexual morals were not pertinent to his integrity as a leader - most men and women lie about their sexual morals when they get caught out.

    How many CEO's are expected to resign 'cause they &uck their PA? How many lie about it when it gets out? How many are pilloried in public about a matter irrelevent to their competence or inetgrity in their job?

    The facts are that many of those criticising Clinton had done what he did in some way or other, unless you are implying that journalists, legislators and politicians have better morals than most people. I don't think you're going to imply that because you're far too smart to say anything quite so stupid! This meant that the slack-jawed consumption of the media-feast by the public was a display of credulity matched only in extent by the VAST numbers of members of the public who hypocriticaly condemned Clinton for lying and cheating like they did. If you doubt this, check the USA's divorce stats, and think how many planted percy or allowed percy to be planted before severing ties.

    I would also subscribe to the opinion that if Bush had tried to emulate the approach Kennedy took (Ask not what America can do for you, but what the people of the free world blah blah), and had managed the PR of the whole War on Iraq thing better, and hadn't lied quite so much, then people would consider him in a far better light. However, from the outset he has consistantly made the situation WORSE by saying dumb things.

    Leaders are spokespeople. To elect a leader who is more likely to stick something in the spokes when he opens his mouth is insane. Don't blame the speech writers either - if he's dumb enough to read a speech about a war against a threat that happens to be largely Islamic, and to use the word 'Crusade', he's got it coming to him when people react to it.

    You are welcome to think that leaders don't have to be capable of making a speech without alienating or aggrivating people. I can't for the life of me think why you would think so, as it's silly.

  • Realist

    if bush has to speak freely without repeating a prepared speech he is awful. one can see that he is not exactly a genius.

    how anyone can trust a politician and especially bush is beyond me. i can't remember anyone who did such a poor job in lying to the public as W does....but it apparently doesn't matter since 60 or more % of the americans still follow him blindly.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Don't you know that Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell write George W speaches.


  • ThiChi


  • ThiChi

    Relaxed, Bush does fine. However, I do sense nerviness when speaking formally. Remember your first talk at the KH or assembly Hall? To equate intelligence with speaking ability is to only offer a false choice.

    Realist, lets put a million cameras on you and see what comes out of your mouth. You don’t even have this pressure, and half of your statements could be questioned........

  • JWinSF

    Abaddon --- Right on!!!

    John W Wirtanen

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