Am I wrong to assume jw's do indeed do silent prayer? Don't they understand that silent prayer in itself is a form of 'meditation'?
Are these common jw beliefs?
by Closer to Fine 25 Replies latest members private
In JW terms, meditation refers to purposeful thinking and pondering over a subject studied. There are hundreds of articles published by JW's which encourage individuals to do this.
But JW's reject the form of meditation that includes emptying the mind and persistently repeating a phrase or a mantra while sitting in a prescribed posture, as most yogis in India do.
No one mentioned that common JW beliefs include the belief that they will not die....
"....includes emptying the mind and persistently repeating a phrase or a mantra while sitting in a prescribed posture"--- oh, kind of like sitting through a meeting at a kh?
I dont want to drag this thread down in to the ultra ridiculous (although the yoga thing kind of seems that to me personally) but have you all heard the raging controversy that can result if you want to have a pinata at a party?
Dont say things outloud - you may be overheard by invisibles
Angels standing guard against rapists (only in FS though)
It is amazing how crazy it all sounds to me now!~
I have an elderly Aunty who often reduces her voice to a whisper when she talks about her life's problems. She doesn't want Satan and the demons to hear her weaknesses and use these against her.
I also know this crazy bullshit behaviour isn't uniquely her own, my JW step father also carries on as if Satan lives in the walls of the house and under the hood of he car. Superstitions are rife among the JWs.
Super powerful spirit beings, live among us and try to destroy our lives while preparing for a great battle against God......... they don't have good hearing, just whisper and we will all be fine.