I wasn't complaining about this forum. My point being with more pimo's and those leaving then ever before you would think there would be lots of new ones posting their story here
Why isn't this forum growing like reddit exjw??
by nowwhat? 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Down votes are hilarious. I wonder who would still down vote if their IDs were shown?
I never down vote. I think that you are correct - if their identity is shown would people still do it ?
Okay, the person who usually down-votes my post can do that now. The rest of you, I wish well.
Thank you for the well-wishes. Your post should receive many more votes up than down, IMO.
The mega thread is sacrosanct after all.
Agreed 100%. Time to put it to bed IMO as it is now nothing much more than rehashing the same old, same old. Now I will be proud to accept your votes down for MY honest opinion.
I rely on this board to keep me grounded , surrounded as I am in life by WT diehards.
Coming here for me is much like getting a shot of oxygen in an air polluted WT atmosphere that I find myself surrounded by, even though I have faded from most of their radar.
Education and wisdom are two different things . .
So very true. I have a saying, "Many people are "educated" way beyond the level of their own intelligence."
This Board is not really advertised. I found it by accident and was interested. The rest is history! Give it time! Pimos will come.
Fooled has a good point , l found this site by accident.
I do mention it on Quora when appropriate, but a lot of pimos may not know about it .
I found this site when I was in the YUKU forum that no longer exists. This site was seen in poor light because of how some users are rude and argumentative.
I now laugh in the face of down votes and caustic rudeness. But it wasn't pleasant at first.