Remember to ask yourself, when the USA get's hit again by terrorists, why you think they are doing it ...
What they are doing will guarantee that Americans become targets around the world.
i keep seeing this argument, and i think its completely unfounded. the terrorists hatred for america is an allah-given mandate in their minds. they believe they are doing his will, and ridding the earth of the infidels. this mandate will not become any stronger if we attack iraq, nor will it subside if we do not attack iraq. "retaliation" is just another excuse for them....if they didnt have it to work with, theyd simply fall back on our occupation of the holy land. there will always be a valid reason for their jihad, regardless of what we do or dont do.
I'm taliing about the thousands of children who have been killed due to the American dumping of radioactive weapons in Iraq and failing to clear them up, the targetting and destruction of infrasctucture such as water and the refusal to allow basic medicines to go into the country.
The number Saddam was supposed to have gassed pales into insignificance ... these policies are killing that number of children every month.
There are alot of bloody hands on all sides here and I for one want to have nothing to do with it .. If I had it in my power I would scoop up all those kids mothers and families and take em to a tropical island with lots of food and drink and shelter so they never have to live with that shit again.
And lets face it ... all the freedom we have regardless of our daily dramas pale in comparison to what these people have to deal with.
Just because Simon does not agree with this war, does not mean he dislikes Americans.
I never did understand the reasoning behind "you're either for us or against us" Get real! Just because someones opinion is different than your own, does not mean it's wrong.
Now, please excuse me while I go out for a few hours. I will expect to see many people dog me for what I just said. People can be so predictable.
You are referring to a minority of fanatical fundamentalist Muslin's just the same as we have fanatical Christians that would like to see everyone converted to their way of thinking.
Its not that other nations hate the US as they dislike the US arrogance that "our way is the right way" mentality. I was listening to a talk show last night and the point was made that after 9/11 the world mourned with the Americans on their loss but that some countries deal with 9/11 everyday of their lives. They added that right after 9/11, they thought that now the Americans would join the world community and help to make it better and more peaceful but now the Americans seem to think they have the authority as the "world police" as our way is the right way. The rest of the world sees George Bush and the American administration as been arrogant when he says stuff like "either your for us or for terrorists". Just a few points I thought was interesting and I can see why others think this way.