The current woke narrative breeds victimhood, and everyone else should be ashamed and guilty for trying or existing. (Dr. Ben Carson) A godly principle is to love thy neighbor. The woke principle is to Cancel your neighbor if he disagrees with your soup de jour idealogy.
The constant changing of language and definitions of words by the democrats is like keeping up with JW's and their cultish language. When I come home from work and walk by the television in the hotel lobby, it is tuned to CNN. All they talk about is racism for weeks at a time. I don't quite get their statistical mind warp. Police had shot as many blacks as whites, but, supposedly, since there are more whites in the general population, then blacks are twice as likely to be shot by police as whites. I paused and said, well, wait, you have 1 of x times black criminals and 1 of x times white criminals shot by police. That indicates that the police are pretty straight up equal and consistent between shooting blacks and whites as far as criminals.
What is amazing to me is the destructive and vindictive soul these people have. You disagree with us: we will economically ruin you! In The State of Georgia, Stacey Abrams will have the AllStar BaseBall game removed from Atlanta. It's a $100 million burn to Atlanta businesses like Sherman's historical burning of Atlanta and march to the sea. The world's economy has been through hell, and the woke doesn't care who they ruin in their childish tantrums. It all plays out in the end. The last time the Democrats got wild like this, they lost 60 seats in the House and control of the Senate at mid-term elections. That was over 20 years ago, and that was mild to the crazy pills they are taking now.
One book publishing company had 70 employees sign a protest demanded they not publish any books written by Trumps' administration. If I were president of that publishing company, I would tell the 70 employees that I appreciated their opinion, but that was not their decision. If they had a problem with that, they are free to work for another publishing company, and I would have the security guards assist them and their personal belongings to the front gate. How many books did Madam Hillary Clinton write about why she lost the presidential election? That was a record beyond Rockie movies.
It is also now becoming evident that the Democrats pressured social media to sensor discussions and news. Oh, and one more bit of information. The BLM founder was a witness. Unbelievable. She learned well from the slave how to fleece the flock.