I am currently a JW but am having a bit of difficulty with it at the moment. I have always been a bit 'badly inclined' I got married at the tender age of 17 (crazy!) to a bit of a rebel (a JW but a rebel all the same!) but it all went tits up and to cut a long story short we got divorced. I moved back home with my parents and continued plodding along and a couple of years later I got married again (5 years ago) to a 'model' witness.
I have come to the horrific realisation that I have jumped from the frying pan and into the fire. I had such a desire to please everyone that I have married a man mainly on the grounds that he is a model JW! Don't get me wrong he is lovely to me but we have absolutely nothing in common and I don't love him (maybe as a friend but that's all).
So here I am. At the crossroads. Keep the peace and keep my friends and family or make the break, get disfellowshipped and get shunned by everyone I know!
How have the rest of you coped making the break?? My parents are very important to me, I don't know if I can live with not seeing them again.
p.s. Sorry if I sound like a total whinger!