George Bush's excuse is good enough for me !

by searchfothetruth 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • searchfothetruth


    Cathy o'brian is a good source to look at. I'm sorry but most of what the national media thinks is wrong and you need to look at what the alternative media says because you all know that the government has things to hide. Cathy o'brien is a star and unless people wake up and realise what she is saying we are all going to end up puppets for the new world order that is completely and utterly wrong

  • ISP
    Ruby ridge was the fault of Randy Weaver and his freinds. The wife was also to blame. She could have left. The sniper was given orders to take out anyone who had a gun. He took aim at someone who he thought was Randy Weaver and that person did have a gun. Just as he pulled the trigger the wife came through a door and stepped right in front of the shot. It was a freak accident but not the Government's Fault. Criminals are responsible for their actions. The Government enforces the law. are way off mark. The FBI stitched up Weaver on a charge because he would be an informant on a white supremacist group. I dont blame him! He retreated to the wilderness and lived off the land. The FBI staked out his place for weeks before moving in. They changed the rules to shoot on sight. One day weavers boy was out with his dog. the shot the dog. The boy ran. They shot his arm off before shooting him in the back. The mother was trying to open the door to him when she got killed by the sniper. What crime did the Weavers do? I bet you are glad it wasn't your family.



  • reporter

    Who wants to go across the border and inspect the U.S.'s weapons of mass destruction? How are those H-Bombs doing lately? Hans Blix? Chirac? Anybody? What if they don't comply?

    Ohhhh, that's right, I forgot. That would be intruding on the Americans' right to sovereignty and the right of pre-emptive strike self-defence.

  • LB

    Ruby Ridge was a horrible thing to go down. Since we blame everything on Bush these days I'm blaming that one on Clinton and his whore Janet Reno.

    I have a niece who lives in Sandpoint ID. She said that at the time of the big invasion of Weavers property the government took over this entire tourist town. They kicked the tourists out of all the motels and put in their teams. Everything was to be paid by chits. Local Cafes had to feed them. It took them so long to collect on this that plenty of businesses went broke. The IRS didn't help them a bit either.

    No I don't trust our government, ever.

    But again, no one has come up with a plan that would work here. Not a single plan. Those opposed have a right to complain, but, nothing is offered that would work, is it?

  • RandomTask

    Well no plan but a general, "you know, uh, diplomacy, we need more diplomacy and we should uh, work with the UN, thats it and uh, we need more inspections and then I can go back to my latte and vegan bagels and protest something else, like free trade, man"

  • starScream


    I CAME UP WITH A NEAR IDENTICAL ATTACK ON THE WTC mere months before it happened.

    I will entertain your insanity only to discount it. I theorized that Musilm terrorists would hijack a jumbo jet (747) loaded with fuel and crash it into the world trade center to bring down one or both buildings. I thought of this the week of the Cole bombing, it was the same week I was born again. This was a totally idependant idea I had because I was trying to imagine what could go wrong in the world because I was obsessed with armageddon.

    I was working on a highrise project at the time of my theory in late 2000, less than a year before the 9/11. I concluded that the impact was unlikely to have a chance at knocking down the trade center due to the stregth of the steel skeleton, exoskeleton in the case of the wtc. I also knew that the beams of a building would warp under intense heat. Fire proof coatings only last about 20 minutes if the coating even last through an initial blast. Once the coating is gone the steel will weaken. The floors of buildings are made of thousands of tons of solid concrete. Several floors above the main fire were putting an incredible strain on the steel which was growing very hot and very weak. The expansion of the metal alone would cause bending because it would have nowhere to go. It does not take long to heat up steel. I have made thousands of cuts into steel with heat. The stuff goes like butter when it is hot.

    I concluded that if the jet fuel would burn in one place for longer than 30 minutes then the WTC could come down from such an impact. I also realized that me and a couple of my co-workers could easily bluff that we have a bomb and hijack the plane. I said to myself it was a matter of days or weeks given the recent surge in suicide islam bombs. Imagine how it makes me feel, someone who predicted the attack and that it would be successful listen to your sh*t-brain a**.

    The buildings began collapsing at the exact places where the fire was burning. Once it start coming down it is all over. Each floor that falls is 1000s of tons of concrete impacting the next floor at 30 mph. Trust me, this is much more effective than a shape charge. There have been construction disasters where a top floor fails during the construction and then causes an unstopable chain reaction that last for seconds. All the workers on the floors would be paper thin paste. It has happened before with much lighter weight floors.

    Here is the dumbest thing you have not though of. The WTC HAS AN EXOSKELETON!!!!!!!!!!! The shape charges would have been on the outer edge of the building you f****** i****. If there was all these explosions we would have seen them because the outside of the building holds it up. If the government was behind this they would have used a building that they could have at least been successful at hiding these shape charges in. OMG. Why didnt they Use the empire state building, or the sears tower. These are not exoskeletons. But that doesn't even matter because the planes' fuel alone would have been sufficient to take out anyone of the buildings. All this I knew well before the attack. If I wanted to do it, I could have done it with some of my friends, if we were as crazy as you.

    Ever heard of Billy Mitchell? He did the same thing I did basically. He was being court-martialed in the 1920s because he believed that air power was the future of military power. Under oath he was questioned about his theory that Peral Harbor would soon be completely destroyed by an opposing aerial force. His prosecutor asked him who would pull it off and he said, "The Nation will be Japan."

    He also said that planes would soon be going over 1000 miles an hour and no one had any idea how that could be possible at that time. He was a visionary.

    Why don't you go concoct some dumbass story about how the US painted a bunch a planes like Japanese ziros and then attacked their own military base you f****** i****

    Wake up and see what is really going on in the land of the free.

    What is going on is a bunch of f****** i***** like you are smoking bananas. It would take a conspiracy bigger than anything ever imagined for no reason at all to pull off what you are saying. The people on the fourth plane called their loved ones and told them that middle eastern terrorists have hijacked them. Then they heard of the impacts and tried to take back the plane but the hijackers crashed it.

    No one called their loved ones and reported CIA suicide bombers you f****** i****. Even without the impact the buildings would have fallen from the fire alone. That is why they put fire proofing on the steel. Steel isn't flamable you f****** m****. It falls apart when fire touches it for too long under the intense weight of the concrete and steel it is supporting. If you try to get approval for a building that does not have this 20 minutes of protective coating on it the building inspector will laugh at you and call you a f****** m*****. I saw a building inspector pissed off one time because a 6 inch by 6 inch section of a beam was only 50% covered. If you ask him why it is a problem he will tell you, "because then you will only have ten minutes before the building could collapse in a fire you f****** m****!!!!" That building didnt support nearly as much wieght as the trade center.

    SFT if you seriously believe this crap that you have told me you should change your name to, "serchforthedumbestliesofalltime."

    I am going to ask simon to ban you for posting this crap. You are an idiot to say that the Government caused the attack. You should be ashamed of youself. If you were standing here...... I had a freind of my dad's say the same thing. I swear, he was a good guy but I was about to get up and punch his ligths out, I should have. Some one should punch your lights out.

  • starScream


    I live in San Diego. At the time I was working on that highrise contruction project and theorizing that muslim terrorists would use a Jumbo jet to take down the trade center in the near future, those terrorists were five miles away from me learning to fly jumbo jets, not learning to land them though.

    Small world huh.

    Do you know what the steel beams look like in an office? they don't look like anything. They are inside the office walls. So the CIA would need to hire drywall workers to repair the damage they did to the walls when they installed the shape charges. No drywall workers have come forward. I guess the CIA had them executed.

    So who flew the planes? Whoever they were they would need to know where to hit the building so that the shape charges would not go off in a spot that was away from the fire.

    So the CIA trained CIA agents to suicide murder thier own countrymen? Hmmm. Don't like that possibilty? Okay the CIA told the real hijackers where to hit the buildings? Why did the terrorists not document their colaberation with the US government. Such collaberation would be more embarrasing and disastrous than the attack. Why didn't they get the Government with that?

    Who ordered the attack? Who did he give the order to? How did they know someone would not act rationally, document the conspiracy and expose it? Oh ya i forgot as soon as the whistle blower goes to a reporter the reporter just happens to be a CIA operative and kills him on sight. So how did they know who this random whistle blower would go to? How did they know that the whistle blower would not confide in as many people as he could trust and make sure that the conspiracy was exposed.

    Who put the shape charges on the buildings? With all the cameras on the impact sites why did we not see the shape charges exploding, the skeleton is on the outside on the WTC.

    Have you ever seen a demolition? Debris flies everywhere when those charges go off and they can be heard for a mile. Why did the metal bend and not just break like a shape charge would cause?

    Why did the Government risk being exposed by exploding shape charge debris? Why didnt they just use an EMP device to knock out the cameras so no one could see the shape charge debris?

    I came up with my theory based on probabilty before it happend and I did not calculate the US governments involvment. Rememeber people said the attack was "unthinkable." It wasn't. I thought of it. The terrorists thought of it. You have come up with nothing but a conspiracy theory after the fact.

    stop smoking bananas.

  • starScream

    The government blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma?

    The OKC bomb was more than just a truck bomb as attested to by ALL the experts that have ever studied the destruction. The building could only have been destroyed in that way by shaped charges being placed on the pillars to bring them down.

    All the experts said this, if you are smoking bananas and were only listening to the experts of banana smoking.

    Umm. the oklahoma building didnt even fall you d******. It was blown to pieces. Correct me if I'm wrong but when you put shape charges on beams you are trying to cause in implosion right? Then why did the building get blasted into pieces a mile away? Why did the axel from the moving van land a few blocks away? why did all the eyewitnesses say that the truck exploded? Why did no one notice all these explosives inside the building?

    Do you have any idea how much power is in 5000 lbs of explosives?

    Why did they blow up that building? Why did they kill all those American kids? because they felt like it? McVeigh never denied that he did it. Nichols Testified that he helped him make the bomb. They never said the CIA helped them do it. Why didn't the CIA kill them to keep them quiet? Oswald was killed, why not these yahoos. I know why. Because you are smoking bananas.

    What did the US government get out of this? They blew up their OWN FEDERAL building!?!?!?!? That makes sense, if you are smoking bananas.

    You have found a revolutionary strategy that no government has ever thought of. Wage war on itself!!!!! It is brilliant!!! if you are smoking bananas.

  • Trauma_Hound

    If Randy Weaver was such a criminal, and the Feds had legal reasons to be there, why isn't he in prison? Answer that one you dumb ass. Since you think DU is so safe, give me your address, so I can pass it on to the department of energy, we've found a place to dump the shit.

    Your a real moron, I happen to know someone that was part of the clean up crew, who is dying of cancer as we speak, he has a picture of himself and several other people in front of a tank that was hit by 'friendly' fire, everyone in the picture is dead, except him.

    I hope you do us all a favor and get yourself fixed, so you don't pass your genes along.

  • starScream
    If Randy Weaver was such a criminal, and the Feds had legal reasons to be there, why isn't he in prison? Answer that one you dumb ass.

    Randy Weaver was only guilty of misdemeanors. Prison is for felons. Your right I am dumb because I don't rally behind white supremist causes. All I know is that when the BATF has me surrounded and is flying helicopters over my house Im going to call them and thell them I am coming out with my hands up, not go running into the woods with assault weapons.

    When the FBI has me and my cult members, who are stockpyling illegal guns, surrounded. I am coming out with my hands up.

    Oh wait, you know what, I did have the Sherriff's department surround my house one time and they had a helicopter circling. They knew I had guns. I did not go running out and charging with assault weapons. I slowly walked out with my hands up. I could tell they were serious when I saw 8 units and 12 cops with shotguns and pistols trained on me. I followed the instructions and I was fine. No harm no foul.

    I'm done discussing DU. Fine it is the most horrible plague ever unleashed on the world. I will fear for my life if I ever see a DU slug.

    If you want me to believe that the US government conspired to casue 9/11, and I am not saying you are, then I will give you my address and you can come down here and tell me all about it. After having to deal with that crap I'm pretty exausted. you can say all you want about DU and ruby ridge and whatever you want. I won't try to stop you.

    Look I am not going to defend everything the BATF or FBI do. They were partially responsible for what happened at Ruby Ridge, it was a tactical error at worst, not a conspiracy to execute Weaver's wife. The guy that shot weaver's son was a butthole. I don't think it was a conspiracy to shoot weaver's son.

    I have my own grudge against the FBI. I had a neighboor who was an FBI agent. The FBI killed him because he wouldn't take bribes and he was talking about leaving the bureau. He left behind a wife a two young kids.

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