War....He said Bible prophecies are obviously being fulfilled and since war is imminent, it's time to get back into the "truth". He went to his first meeting last Sunday. Now, all he says he has to do is stop smoking, stop his pornography addiction, stop going out with prostitutes, start reading and researching more, and evidently, he has stopped engaging in homosexuality.
My Disfellowshipped Window Washer Is Going Back To Meetings Because Of The
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
He must take God for an idiot.
When the war will be over in 2 weeks he will be himself again
I am afraid though that he will not be the only one who is returning.....lots and lots probably want to get 'saved'
Minimus. Just tell your window washer friend, that all he has to do is just lie about everything else, and he'll be home free. Probably a lot easier to just lie, then trying to quit all those other habits.!
So another repressed homosexual fornicating smoking JW. He'll be just fine there.
Sadly, this poor soul is very much conflicted. His life has been destructive and unhappy. The only thing I Told him to do is to make sure that he researches anything that he is looking at and not take anything for granted.
Is his name Cliff? from Palmdale Ca
What's he worrying about war for? I thought it was when people cried "Peace and Security" that death and destruction were immediately upon them!
The whole salvation by works scenario that the WTS
teachesrequires is pathetic, but admittedly functional in a worldly sense. It's lure is easily explained because salvation by faith - your personal relationship with Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit - puts 'em out of business. As a christian I fully understand that nothing I do or even could do saves me, it's what God does in and through me that saves me. I'm saved because I believe and trust His promises. The same Spirit of God that exposed the WTS to me is the same spirit that showed me they were NOT a good representative...certainly not faithful or discreet. But no credit is due me, all good and perfect things are from Him, especially the truth. -
I think you will find alot inactive one tripping back into the the Kingdom hell...Fear !! There is none in God!! I believe whatever happens ! I will stay in a close relationship with Jesus Christ.....