New WTS end date - 2034?
by campaign of hate 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think they have planted the 2034 date in jdub heads. Perhaps through a public talk. Sometime last year on a Sunday a jdub made a comment on instagram about how "this system" could go on another 20 years. I wondered then if they had heard something at their meeting that day. It was around the 100 year anniversary of 1914. I believe that is actually what they were talking about the anniversary of 1914. -
campaign of hate
I think as the years role on, more and more people are going to have the 2034 brainwave, and because it has been addressed in the magazines, it will make it OK to speculate. Everyone speculates the s**t out of the Noah story now anyway.
There is some very clever people in charge of WTS
I beg to differ about that.
I've never heard 120 years mentioned from the platform in relation to the last days. I am not saying that the thought has not crossed individuals' minds nor that the perpetuation of thoughts about this would not suit the WTS but I simply reiterate what I said earlier:
1 - the last time I can see anything in writing about this was 2010
2 - at the time they were at pains to stress Noah preached maybe only 40-50 years
3 - no association with the last days was made
4 - this is not a topic of conversation I have ever come across and I do my fair share of "seeding" of conversations to see what people are prepared to say
5 - it may escalate as a thought over the coming years as people latch onto something to explain failed expectations but I do not expect any official sanction through RC talks or WT articles
Right now, as far as I can tell, the only people buzzing about this thought are on boards like this.
campaign of hate
Cofty: Your making the assumption that the GB is in charge.
There are intelligent lawyers and accountants at the helm of this religion, and atheist i might add, all of which know exactly what they are doing.