Thank you for your condolences. Ciera will be missed by many.
Yes, we all have to say goodbye one day. But the experiences we enjoy together before that time, make it all worth while. Thank you for your condolences.
Capone, my district overbeer,
Thank you for your condolences. Yes, I got attached. It's so easy to do, ya know?
The theme to the Andy Griffith show? Now that is precious. Give your cat a warm hello for me. Thank you for your condolences.
Yep, there is one in every crowd. These people need to remember that we are discovering new things every day regarding our animal brethren.
Wasn't Ciera a sweetie? It was my pleasure to introduce you that day. Her response to you proved to me what I had already suspected--you are a great guy.
My newest, sweetest friend. You had me LMAO over the cocoa puff remark. I miss your wit and it has only been a little over a week since I last saw you. Thank you for your condolences. Give my love to "rambo gerbil" or is that "ninja gerbil"? Nowadays, a gerbil has to be a little of both.