It's been a long time since I last posted here. However in light of recent changes I have thought a bit about things and have come to the conclusion that the society might. .. Use the "evil slave" argument. Let me give an example:
"OK brothers blood transfusions are a conscience matter, "
"How dare you! People have died!"
"Yes it is sad brothers. It was the evil slave of Rutherford and Knorr and Franz that f**D us up. But worry not. We booted Tony Morris. We are the new good slave. Just as 2 Peter says evil men crept in unaware. But that time has past Armageddon is closer and Jesus is refining us."
Niw with a statement like I've shown above I would think legal ramifications regarding issues in changing blood or child abuse issues can be blamed on the evil slave or past leaders. Meanwhile the society goes semi-mainstrean.
Just a thought