OK, so my JW teachings are a bit rusty, exactly what did they say was going to happen leading up to armageddon ? Who was going to turn on who and in what order as far as the UN, US and UK are concerned ?
by m0nk3y 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
OK, so my JW teachings are a bit rusty, exactly what did they say was going to happen leading up to armageddon ? Who was going to turn on who and in what order as far as the UN, US and UK are concerned ?
Who knows! They might recieve new light from Jehober telling them that 1914 ISNT when Satan was cast down to earth but 2003 when this war broke out! That would give them a whole new "generation" to work with!
Kansas District Overbeer
After all this time away from the org, the rumors of war announced by W. last night got me all worried and wondering the same thing. Then I had a long talk with myself.
Robyn--of the posting down to the last minute class.
So like what did you talk to yourself about Robdar ... cause I'd like to set my mind at ease .. I'm not over familar with their prophies
OK, immediately before Armageddon, the nations will declare "peace and security", then sudden destruction will be instantly upon them. So, there must be peace immediately before the end.
On the other hand, the declaration of peace is not the same as actual peace. It could be a false declaration, so there could be war.
The nations will turn on false religion and will succeed in destroying it, with the exception of JWs. They will be the only ones left, and when the UN turns on JWs, it will be like touching Jehovah's eye, and Armageddon will begin.
So, to summarize, if there is peace, it means the end is near. If there is war, it could escalate right into Armageddon, so the end is near. If there is a declaration of peace, but it is false (sort of in between peace and war), it means the end is near.
HHAHA I like to summarize, hehhe you certainly put it into perspective without even saying a harsh word agaist their prophocies I LIKE!
Keep those comments rolling in
I think I am going to go back to the KH.....
All this talk of war and fear and WMD has me frightened. Perhaps I can beg forgivness and be taken back into the fold. I want to survive.
Between this thread and this:
I am now sure that they have the truth. We are in the last days.
Well I'm not convinced ... how is this war different from the gulf war ?
It is just like they fortold....death, destruction, illness, aging, famine, instability....
This has been going on since WW I.....
This is the worst time in human history:
Most people probably think so. Today's realities are war, crime, hunger, sickness, aging—to mention just a few. Yet there is reason for hope. Looking to the future, the Bible tells of a "new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to [God's] promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell."—2 Peter 3:13; Isaiah 65:17.
There will be every reason to be happy in the Paradise earth. Never again will people hunger for lack of food. "The earth itself will certainly give its produce," the Bible says. (Psalm 67:6; 72:16) All will enjoy the fruits of their own labor, as our Creator promises: "They will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. . . . they will not plant and someone else do the eating."—Isaiah 65:21, 22.
In God's new world, no longer will people be crammed into huge apartment buildings or run-down slums, for God has purposed: "They will certainly build houses and have occupancy . . . They will not build and someone else have occupancy." The Bible also promises: "They will not toil for nothing." (Isaiah 65:21-23) Thus people will have productive, satisfying work. Life will not be boring.
In time, God's Kingdom will even restore the peaceful relations that existed in the garden of Eden between animals, and between animals and humans. The Bible says: "The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them."—Isaiah 11:6-9; Hosea 2:18.
The fact that we are "aging" really brought it home...I don't believe people aged like we are today. Between wrinkles and sun damage, I believe our life span is shorter than ever in history.
I also want to be a vegan...I don't have will power. Jehovah will give me will power in the new system. I might get lucky and be one of the faithful who get to care for the lambs and lions. I would love to cuddle with them and not worry that they are going to eat me. Or them worry that I will eat them.
This has convinced me that the society is the true FDS and I need to return.
edited for typo
Hmmmm.....I just noticed the homosexual context to the cut and paste from the official WT site:
In time, God's Kingdom will even restore the peaceful relations that existed in the garden of Eden between animals, and between animals and humans. The Bible says: "The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them."—Isaiah 11:6-9; Hosea 2:18.
I don't think wolves should be residing with male lambs. This is just wrong. And a kid leopard with a calf and a maned (read male!!) lion, just doesn't sound right.
Perhaps paradise is not what I thought. It sounds like people and animals will be decadant....that is not what I signed up for!!!