The Watchtower Letters, part 6

by NeonMadman 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    I keep coming back to read and re-read that letter. It just floors me. To actually ask for the difference back between pioneer rates and publisher rates.

    You paid the price they charged you at the time the product was delivered. They can't retroactively charge you a different price.

    That would be like getting an employee discount while working for a retail store and then after leaving the job the store asking back the difference from employee discount to full retail on everything you ever bought as an employee.

  • NeonMadman

    No Apologies:

    Oh, I also find it interesting that the elders actually wrote you a letter inviting you to a judicial meeting. I think nowadays nothing like that is written unless absolutely necessary.

    I believe you are correct, and that the policy has been changed so that nothing is written now. Back then it was SOP to invite the victim in writing. Obviously, that must have gotten them in trouble somehow, though it's difficult to see how. The letter I got, as you can see, was pretty generic, and didn't make any specific statements as to what my behavior was supposed to have been. It just referred to 'the matter I had previously discussed with the elders,' and asked me to be at the Kingdom Hall at the set time for the meeting.


    They can't retroactively charge you a different price. If they do then it becomes clear that you, and everyone else selling their literature are agents of the WTBS. I'm almost certain that this also threatens their non-profit status. Could have had huge implications.

    *Sigh* Missed opportunities. Of course, back then, I wouldn't have pressed a case against the Society even if I could have. Nowadays, it would be a different story...


    They can't do that now, can they?
    No, since the literature no longer has a price, but is distributed on a "complete donation" basis. Now, even pioneers have to put all of the "donations" they collect while out in service into the Worldwide Work collection box. Guess the WTS shot the pioneers' cash cow.

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