In view of the recent financial pressures being spun as opportunities to hasten Armageddon, I think we should look again at the meaning behind their cultic warning of "all must be ready to obey intructions, whether appearing sound or not".
By dripping these creepy injunctions into the Watchtower study and therefore into the conditioned and receptive mind of the JW, how long will it be before they are able to decree something like this?.....
JW TV broadcast July 2017
“The time has come when all of us will have our loyalty put to the test. The Faithful Slave has lovingly given warning in advance that all of us must be ready to obey ANY instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. All servants of Jehovah will be required to have our loyalty put to the test. Now is that time.
In view of the unusual events heaped upon us by Jehovah’s enemies, the Faithful Slave, who have never failed in their theocratic duty to supply the timely needs of Jehovah’s faithful sheep, is instructing all members of all the world-wide Bethel families to go to their rooms and partake of the contents of the phial each will be given. In view of the extreme spiritual urgency of the times and the knowledge that total obedience is the hallmark of those who will gain Jehovah’s true and ultimate blessing of everlasting life, we are requesting that at seven o’clock GMT, world-wide, after prayers from the committee, you will all partake...”
I could have added the same demand for all publishers to meet at the KH simultaneously world wide to the same end...
This would be a grotesque conclusion... then just why are the GB preparing the minds of the believers to such a paranoid pitch? What would absolute control over their flock do for them? Surely not just for the idle pleasure of exercising absolute power? Where and what could it be leading to?