I was talking to a very PIMI relative the other day. Despite been ultra orthodox she is a sweet old soul. Because of this I had to be super careful how I worded things, due to my respect for her and not wanting to upset or get her aposta-dar homing I’m on me. I just wanted enough to get her thinking. Here’s how it went in part - God bless her soul.
Joe: You would think with all the money they just recently took from the Kingdom Halls that there would a lot more building going on.
Relative: I guess there is. They are probably building in countries where the locals can’t afford to do it.
Joe: oh I guess I’ll have to go and check that out on jw.org.
Relative: they are also making the Magerzines thinner,and using the internet more too.
joe: oh why is that. I thought with all the building work going on and been so near to the end they would be making the mags bigger as a greater source of spiritual food.
relative; oh they are making them thinner so that people can come into the truth quicker.
joe: oh really (with an eye roll and at this stage I’m thinking this women just ain’t getting it). I guess in this country where we can afford technology it isn’t to much of a problem. But I wonder in these countries where all this building work is going on, many could not afford to buy a tablet and it could even be dangerous to visibly walk around with such a gadget.
relative: jehovah will care for their needs.
joe: (with a smile)I’m sure jehovah is abundantly supplying for them Aunty.
conversation moves to another subject.