Are the 8 superstar Popes planning a purge?

by Sour Grapes 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    All authoritarian leaders regularly plan purges.

    Some succeed; after 9-11, Jaracz managed to almost completely divest WTHQ of moderates and liberals.

    Personally, I've suspected the GB have wanted to get rid of the fakers, faders, and fence-sitters for quite some time, now...

    ...whilst at the same time, still (somehow) keep growth (and touting said growth) as proof of divine favor.

    Kinda like they know it's wrong, but believe it's true, at the same time.

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz
    "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether or not these are Bible based or appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."

    Is the "bible- based" part factual?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    Is the "bible- based" part factual?

    No, actually I was just having fun with a play on words and decided I'd add the part in bold and italics:

    "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether or not these are Bible based or appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."

    The point I was making by adding "whether or not these are Bible based" is that nearly nothing that WT teaches or any of its doctrines are Bible based in first place. So the quote from the Nov 15, 2013 Watchtower pg 20 might as well read:

    "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these are Bible based or not...or appear sound from a human standpoint or not."

    Sorry if I caused any confusion! :-)

  • smiddy3

    “At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.” - Watchtower November 15 2013, page 20 par. 17

    Link Dislike LikeApparently JW`s have forgotten this scripture
    " Do not put your trust in nobles Nor in the son of earthling man to whom no salvation belongs." Ps.146 :3
  • nonjwspouse

    Personally, I believe the tithing part in the usual WT disguise. It will be "access" due to the mandatory website ( some literature now is only accessible through the website, and publishers are being encouraged to print off materials) , or "membership" dues to , of course, continue the WWW.

  • JaniceA

    The WT off will just keep on doing what they do. Any changes they make are incremental enough to not gather attention from most JWs. Sure, we see the insidious nature of things, but they have no self interest to instigate a mass purge or exodus.They just keep turning up the heat under their lote of frogs. . . Slowly. I

    The ones running the show know that JWs are desperate for crumbs of hope that they are right, so they manipulate them constantly.

    They don't care if anyone or everyone leaves. They have billions. The membership is their beard for whatever else is going on financially.

  • Wakanda

    Well, it's a top down org. I think Kevin McFree's latest video sort of answered the question. I started another thread about it, but for convenience:

  • Nevuela

    Are you aware that your comments have twice as many dislikes as they do likes, while Sour Grapes has far more likes than you and almost zero dislikes? Just FYI, that means a lot more people agree with Sour Grapes than you.

  • moomanchu

    What is PIMO?

  • freddo

    “At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.” - Watchtower November 15 2013, page 20 par. 17

    I do believe that the word "strategic" has been put in most deliberately and that is because they were planning the KH/AH sell-offs and branch/circuit downsizing to ramp up.

    What they need is for the PIMI elders especially to stay on board and some PIMI elders do think. They think things like this ...

    "I hope they don't touch our savings fund set aside for a new hall."

    "Surely they won't take our savings, make us share and then expect us to keep on sending monthly donations ... will they?"

    "I hope they don't sell our KH and make us drive to another hall, I don't really want to amalgamate with Inner Fumbuck."

    "I hope Inner Fumbuck doesn't come to our hall because then we'll have the graveyard slot on Sunday evenings."

    I don't believe there is any whacky enforcement "koolaid" or even "tithing" plan coming down the pipe - just more social pressure to "give more" along with "do more" and "obey more".

    BUT ... as they see more decline in numbers and more apostasy and more dissenters they will grip tighter and get the CO's to push DF'ing - not in writing, but in verbal pressure - it's what they do.

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