I have noticed as of late that google searches are heavily filtering searches and shopping. I know they keep track and monitor your activity but when I can not find things or articles because they don't fit googles BS naritive its time to leave. Duck duck go is my replacement.
dump google
by phoenixrising 18 Replies latest social current
Any suggestions besides google for a search engine?
I'm waiting for the WTBTS for a recommended search engine.
What about BING?
Bing is absolutely terrible. Completely useless search results.
Good idea. Just done this. Long overdue. Duck, duck go it is.
My son has converted to Bing and sings its' praises.
Just hope you don't have a cellphone because you are bring tracked in a variety of other ways that you can't stop...
resolute Bandicoot
Google also has a left bias.
Duck Duck Go is the go.
You changing search engines does very little in your quest to stay hidden from big business.
If you have a cellphone regardless if operating system your every move is tracked.
Apps you download do the same.
Its almost funny to listen to people act like not using Google puts you on 007 level standards of privacy