The WTS used to say they did not have to report it to the police, because it was a sin not a crime per their interpretation of the bible. Now the WTS hides behind the clergy-penitent law/status, although the accused jw does not just confess to one person (who keeps it to themselves, does not share it, like confession to a priest) but the elders make a report that other elders know it and send it to WT headquarters). Add to that the WTS proclaims they don't have a clergy class. Yes, before elders do anything about a child sexual abuse situation, it is Call Legal, Call Legal, Call Legal, not the service desk (renamed Branch Office) to get advice. So the WTS really sees it as a crime, if the elders are to call Legal first. WT 2021 October p. 20 In contrast, true worshippers of Jehovah have no clergy. Although we respect those who are taking the lead, we accept Jesus’ clear teaching: “All of you are brothers.” (Matt. 23:8-10)