news... From ITALY

by biblexaminer 20 Replies latest social current

  • biblexaminer

    An old friend, a "brother" called from Italy. Updated on a few things.

    Most interestingly, he said they just had their FINAL assembly at their "beautiful assembly hall".

    Why would it be the final assembly?


    I wonder how the Italians are wrapping their little minds around that one. They toil, blood and sweat, to build this "beautiful" meeting place, contributing all their hard-earned money and efforts, only to have the vultures from NYC swoop down upon their little lamb and scoop it from underneath them.

  • Crazyguy

    What part of Italy and did they say why they sold it?

  • waton

    Italians are truly great builders, New Yorkers great bankers.

  • wannaexit

    What part of Italy and did they say why they sold it?

    This assembly hall is in Roseto degli Abruzzi, In Teramo, it's in the center part of Italy. At their last assembly they were told that this would be their last and that witnesses from that area would go back to using worldly places.

    There are also others up for sale. There is one in Prato that is either sold or in the process and this is going to bring in a ton of euros.

    The Italian dubs are in shock over what is happening.

  • Skepsis

    They're doing the same everywhere. I guess they're into something. Probably the GB know the real numbers of JWs are falling or will fall deeply in some years and are selling properties before it's so obvious. Or maybe donations have been falling. Or a combination of both. Who knows...

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Real estate moguls know when the time is ripe to sell at the best price.

    WT has a beautiful scam going on, just ingenious. Maybe if only I was crooked and unscrupulous as hell I could duplicate their business model. Or at least develop a course and teach it.

  • berrygerry

    Maybe if only I was crooked and unscrupulous as hell I could duplicate their business model. Or at least develop a course and teach it.

  • slimboyfat

    They have only just built an Assembly Hall in Scotland. Would be really strange if they sold that too.

  • zeb

    Selling off kh and the money goes 'home' to the gb.

    If as they say the end of the system is so near what the hell do they need all this money for...?

    BG good little video.

  • Crazyguy

    Yeah this doesn't make much sense since they can make a ton of money at assemblies. They either know something big is about to hit them in the pocket book, scared something will, or maybe they can take this money and just rent a hall cheap enough and still make a killing.

    Or maybe they have found that renting a hall and then inflating the expenses is easier to sell to the rank and file then trying to convince 1000 people to donate 10,000 in cash for one day in a building that's been paid for years ago.

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