???????! ??????? ???????????? Anyway, as for your friend, it seems that you've got lots of options. Her niceness may be self-serving. She may be nervous of you- imagine if everyone in the office knew her shuning practices! She might get a lot of flack. Or, she may be easing into a closer friendship with you for legitimate reasons, like doubt about the JW lifestyle. As to her motives, you'll have to follow your gut on this one. In anycase, totaly be yourself- do not accomodate bigotry. This doesn't mean you can't act different if you have a special goal in mind. But you have a lot to be proud of- who you are!
My old JW best friend is talking to me still. What do I do?
by NaruNaruChan 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks for the advice. It's not easy talking to her, but I've decided that I'm just gonna be myself and if she decides to bail on me later, that's her problem. Until then, I'll consider HER the lucky one that I chose to still talk to her. Heh heh. ^_^ thanks!