Ok, well here is the end of this crazy story............................
The court date was set for the 17th (Monday). I got my new next door neighbor to represent me and my now x husband. (nice to have a lawyer next door)
Anyways, we showed up in court, and when the judge called our case #, we were the only ones to show. My x mother in law didn't show and neither did her lawyer. They had filed a continuence and didn't even show for their own motion.
So, the judge left us for last just in case the opposing side showed up late. Well, they didn't show.
So, we went before the judge and stated it was an uncontested divorce, all property was resolved, my son's primary residence at this time is with his father, I have weekends and any extended stay with my son,we have joint custody, I agreed with his father to pay $350 a month in child support, and we counter sued my x mother in law for all court and lawyer fees and the judge granted that.
Basically, we got EVERYTHING we asked for, and we had to pay absolutely NOTHING to get divorced.
So, I will soon be legally divorced (FINALLY) and she can never interfere again unless she files her own suit, which will be very costly and a waste of time.
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am feeling very good right now, with the court case going the way we hoped and my new job that I am surrounded by postitive people all day long!!!
*pick up your drinks* Let us toast to a new begining and a huge victory!!!!
Love you all, and thank you for all the support you have given me!!!!