Just read a post on Facebook where somebody is making some wild crazy-talk about the descendants of Cain being the beast of Revelation or something.
Cain was always a strange tale to me. Don't people use any critical thinking skills when they read this stuff? Everybody knows Cain killed his brother Abel, but do they EVER look at the surrounding tale?
Let's back up. Cain is a farmer. Abel is raising flocks. First of all, why? Recall that at this time, according to the bible, nobody ate meat. So what was Abel raising flocks for? Were they his own personal harem since I'm sure there was a lack of ladies you weren't related to. And after all, when god was looking for a companion for Adam, he did look in the animal kingdom first. So why not? If god thought it might be good enough for dad, why not me? Ladies, come to daa-aaa-aaa-ddy! Or were they strictly being raised for sacrifices?
So then Cain gets jealous over the fact that god liked Abel's offering better. WTF? What parent has their 2 kids come and give them something and then tells one kid they're displeased with the gift? No matter what it is, a good parent would praise both children. And you're a fricking god. You don't need fruit & veggies or animals to survive. It's symbolic.
So, Cain is jealous and kills Abel. Not that, as far as we can tell, God ever gave them ANY laws that said "thou shalt not kill". Only that you shouldn't eat from one tree. So was this even wrong?
Anyway, God tells Cain he must wander the earth forever in verse 12, but a mere 5 verses later, he is settling down and building a city. Not a hut mind you, a whole city. That doesn't sound like wandering the earth. That's settling down. So much for everything god proclaims happening.
And Cain says that if anybody finds me they will kill me. So god puts a mark on him so that nobody will kill him.
So, let me get this straight. Is killing wrong or isn't it? People are just going to run across Cain and kill him? How far are we into creation and god's apex of creation is already running amok. In the programming world, that's a bug and you blame the programmer, not the program.
Oh, but god gives him a mark so that they won't kill him. Wait. Why does he need a mark? I know this is hard for some Christians, but think on this and read it slowly. So if they run across Cain, they're going to kill him for killing Abel. But that's forbidden by god and they'll see the mark and stop. So either they:
- know him and want to kill him because he killed Abel. But, if they know him and what he did, they'd also know god said not to kill him or else they'd be cursed. So if they know all this, is a mark really neccessary? Because they'd also have to know about the mark and know a mark means "don't kill". Wouldn't they just be like "oh, it's Cain. Hate that guy, but we can't kill him or we'll be cursed".
- they don't know him and just run across strangers and kill them for no apparent reason unless they have some mark?
And really? At this point, the population is what? Hundreds at the most - IF it's even in double digits. At this point, doesn't everybody know everybody else? They're going to know who Cain is.
I kid you not, people believe this stuff. They read it and say yeah, that's how it happened. This story makes perfect sense and everybody was acting intelligently.