Nearly fell off my chair when Charlie was given the boot. I thought Corey, Julia and Carmen were terrible and somehow they squeaked through. Charlie didn't deserve this but he's talented and he'll get opportunities from all the exposure on the show.
Who Do You Think Will Be The Next American Idol?
by Scarlet 33 Replies latest jw friends
I don't like Charlie at all, but I felt bad when he got booted, because the girls were crying. He must be a really great guy.
I think Clay or Ruben will win. Clay is just amazing. That voice is incredible. I really like Ruben too, and Kimberly Caldwell.
It bothers me that Kimberly was already a professional, singing in Branson for so many years in shows there, but she is really good too.
For the most part, I agree with Simon's critiques. He is helpful, and I agree with what he said on Oprah two weeks ago, that they will get much worse criticism when they turn professional, so they need to get used to it. (except what he says about their weight.........that is UNCALLED for)
In the end, I think it will come down to Ruben and Clay.
Ven, I am so glad you watch I don't have to miss it when we visit you next month!!!
I really like this show too....and I think Clay is the best singer.....
Why is every second Brit named Simon?
Yuck, that show is torture.
I think it is Clay all the way !
Yuck, that show is torture.
Rachel, I used to think that way about Survivor, but I gave it a chance because you liked it so much. American Idol is great entertainment. Those kids are so talented and it's neat to see them get their shot at stardom.
I thought that when I first heard about American Idol last season and I refused to watch, this season my wife got me to try and I'm hooked.
Hey layla, where have you been? Haven't seen you for awhile
Ya I didn't watch last year either. What got me watching this year was Simon and his rude comments I was just cracking up and you know I hate to say it but he is dead on sometimes, but I'd never be able to say that to someone.
Then I was like WOW these kids can really sing. I think Clay is adorbale and he has a good sense of humor, love his hair and he just looks like he's having a blast with it all. And he looks a bit friendly with Kim L if you ask me hehehe.
I thought it was sweet they all cried when Charles got booted, looked like they really liked him, or those were just tears of relief hehehe. Even some of the guys looked weepy heheh.
And that MANSION OMG!!!! The pool seems really tiny though hehe I'd be like ok everyone out it's my pool time. I don't like it when others are in our pool here at the condo and it's really big hehehe. I'm bad about that hehehe.
I think Simon THE JUDGE rocks...(except for any comments about weight)...Paula buggs me...and if that Randy says Wat's up dog, one more time? -- I don't know what!
I do like Ryan the host...
Oh who should be the American Idol?
Clay 1st. Reuben 2nd. Trenyce 3rd Ricky 4th
Corey--his voice is like a bat on helium
Joshua -- country, pop whatever...great voice, but no personality, soul, yet anyway
Kimberley Caldwell---yikes, she's pretty, perky and was bitchy to Julia...she's the true spoiled diva but she does have a good voice
Kimberley Locke---I thought she sang beautifuly...she's one of my favourites
Julia--great look and personality...hope she picks songs better suited to her
Carman--I love her voice and spirit