There was a French language congregation this weekend in Congo DR which had 44,000 in attendance and something like 730 baptized. I'm not saying that is good or bad, just reporting the news.
over 700 baptized yesterday at one convention in Africa
by dropoffyourkeylee 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Phew. I misread and thought you said hospitaized and I worried they could not get care in the about the most difficult place on earth that l can imagine!
The DRC is one of the most corrupt and crime ridden places on earth. I honestly don’t know that JW growth is the worst thing that could happen in that place. Exception is that they are notorious for being gullible and I could see them as sitting ducks for cons and entirely corrupted bodies of elders who are manipulative and users. Can you imagine the way child abuse and spousal abuse and internal congregational financial crimes will be treated?
Much of Africa still has bad internet connection. Because of this those countries show the highest percentage rises in JW members. In countries where there is good internet connection, JWs have very little increase, in fact many of those lands are now losing more members each year than come into the org. -
Since it is so obvious where the growth is, undoubtedly there is much more work to do there. Land and building is cheap.
The Governing Body should set themselves as examples and move to where the need is great. -
They could be baptizing 10,000 people a week and it wouldn’t really mean anything because these people don’t have any money to help the Borg. Without money and the support of people with money the cult will die. They know this because even though they are getting great numbers in Southern Africa they closed down their branch in that area just a couple three years ago.
Targeting the vulnerable people as they do may one day come back and bite them in the ass .
Are these people going to be an asset to them or a burden to them. ?
Through no fault of their own could these people become a financial burden to the organization ?
The Governing Body should set themselves as examples and move to where the need is great.
I couldn`t agree with you more listener
Crazyguy : They know this because even though they are getting great numbers in Southern Africa they closed down their branch in that area just a couple three years ago.
The branch office in South Africa is still up and running.
Prints books, magazines, brochures, and tracts in more than 130 languages and ships to over 15,000 congregations in 20 countries. Translates Bible literature into 23 languages. Supports Kingdom Hall construction in 42 countries.
Half of them will be disfellowshipped by next year.
My math isnt the greatest but isnt that 1.6%? Not a huge increase
JaniceA - DRC is one of the most corrupt and crime ridden places on earth. I honestly don’t know that JW growth is the worst thing that could happen in that place.
I tend to agree. There are many places where JW values are an improvement, and learning to read is an education. Poorer countries are a drain on Watchtower assets. All in all, conversion could be seen as a positive. My concern is the long term damage that will occur to families as the children leave and are shunned.